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Counters for dummies (work in progress) — Parallax Forums

Counters for dummies (work in progress)

Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
edited 2006-09-12 12:47 in Propeller 1
I've started writing up what I have learnt about the counter modules in an effort to hammer home the ideas with myself and to give others an easier time of it.

I've not finished it but thought I'd post to check if what I have written is correct so far and if I'm heading in the right direction.

It is designed to accompany the manual rather than replace it, you need to have read or have available pages 204-207 the section covering CTRA/CTRB.

The next part to write is the stuff that Tracy went through so nicely in the other counter thread.



  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2006-09-06 09:16

    Whilst I've not yet read it, I'm sure this is going to be ultra-useful to me. Thank you very much cool.gif


  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-06 14:20
    please bear in mind guys that it isn't finished. Its not very long so read it and give me some feedback.

  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-09-06 14:31
    · First of all, a great start.

    · I think a block diagram of the whole system would help. Something like:

    · FRQx -> PHSx -> PLL -> Divider -> Pin

    · Of course there would be lines to show if the PLL is bypassed, etc.


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  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-06 16:06
    Good idea
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-06 17:08
    Here's my first attempt, not sure if I have tried to show too much.

    839 x 1271 - 60K
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2006-09-06 17:21
    Good topic.
    Context would be useful. Something quite simple to build

    I haven't really seen the need to use the SXes Capture and Compare feature because I have no idea of what applications I might want them for.

    Similarly, the counter's in the Propeller are a bit too much for me as I have yet to really take on video signals. I have really been waiting for Andre LaMothe to provide a text that will fill the void.

    "If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
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  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,660
    edited 2006-09-06 17:44
    Hi Graham,

    For purposes of clarity, I suggeest the diagram should tackle one mode at a time. For example, at the top of the table of modes, there is nothing conditional. It is either "never" or "always", so a diagram for those modes can leave out the conditional logic. And for the first diagram, for the NCO and DUTY modes, the PLL can be omitted. Incllude it for the next section of the tutorial. That leaves a much simpler and more comprehensible diagram for the "dummy", uhhh, beginner. The diagram for DUTY will also need the possibility of attaching the output pin(s) to the carry bit of PHS.

    BTW, the PLL dividers only do divide by up to 16, not 32, 64, 128.

    Tracy Allen
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-06 18:22
    Kramer, the counters are for counting, you don't have to be into video to use them.


    Although I have used the term for dummies it wasn't my intention to catalogue every single mode of operation in full detail, the manual does that. My hope is to just explain how they work and how they might be used and fill the gaps.

    Although seperate diagrams might be clearer they would need a much more long winded description that I think actually complicates matters, you don't need to remember every single mode all you need is the basic idea of how it works and an understanding of how to read the mode table. I like the idea of considering the possible path of FRQx on its route to the pins. I'll see how the document pans out, I'm not ruling it out. Good point on the carry bit!!

    On the PLL division, the manual (table 4-6) shows divisions from 1 to 128. It also states that it is the VCO that is divided. So at least according to the description and the table it is multplied by 16 and then divided by a power of two. But doesn't that make the maximum division 8??? I suspect that the manual is failing to really explain what it means by division, it already assumes a working knowledge of a PLL. You seem to have some extra info (via Chip?) can you explain further?


  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-06 19:33
    OK I've done them as seperate diagrams and I think it is clearer, I'll keep it in one lump so it is easy to see the difference between the modes but perhaps change the formatting a little.

    In mode 00001, where does the output of the PLL go? Can the divide still be used?

    1581 x 700 - 89K
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,660
    edited 2006-09-06 20:15
    I do like the separate diagrams. One can tell at a glance that the modes are closely related and use the same hardware, but it makes the different functions stand out. As to notation, a minor point, I like "00100 and 00101" better than "00100:00101".

    Re the division ratio, you are absolutely correct. My bad, I was thinking about something else. The PLLDIV has 3 bits that give division ratios of 128,64,...,2,1 as you have in your diagram. If the input to the PLL is restricted to the range of 4 to 8 mhz, outputs from the divider chain can cover the range of 500 khz to 128 mhz.

    Tracy Allen
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-07 00:27
    When I wrote 00100:00101 I meant 00100 to 00101, so I will change the ":" to a "to".
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-07 00:29
    Ah now I see, one of them should become an and.
  • David BDavid B Posts: 591
    edited 2006-09-07 00:44
    Thank you very much for this effort!

    Recently I wanted to make a DAC, following one of the published assembly examples where a delta-sigma ADC fed values to a DAC, except I wanted a simple standalone DAC that would accept input values and emit a voltage.

    I was able to get a circuit working, but it was tough. The only documentation I could find was pages 204-207 of the latest manual, but that doesn't really explain much of anything at a beginner level. I still don't really understand how my circuit works, although I can feed it values and it emits a smooth output from 2.2 mv all the way up to 3.28 volts, so it seems to be doing exactly what I wanted.

    Some simple explanations, maybe with some simple example external circuits and complete example code, would be very useful.

  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-07 12:53
    Its a recurring problem of not having much in the way of commenting int he examples and libraries. To understand the DAC code you need to understand the counters and the delta-sigma conversion method. I don't see myself explaining every specific application of the counters (there is an infinite number of possibilities) I'd hope that the creators would take that on themselves. What I hope to do is to explain what the counters do so at least that part of the jig-saw is complete.

    I understand calls for examples but in some cases I get the feeling that is really a call to be able to use a feature without having to understand it. The counters aren't so difficult really you just need some confidence and a few minutes to sit down and read my documentation (when its finished and assuming its any good).

    What I might do it produce some counter based objects such as a PWM, ADC, DAC etc using the published examples but I'll comment them to the max.

  • simonlsimonl Posts: 866
    edited 2006-09-07 13:11
    Hi Graham,

    I read your PDF last night and am pleased to report that the subject's a whole lot less fuzzy to me now smile.gif Many thanks.


  • Martin HebelMartin Hebel Posts: 1,239
    edited 2006-09-07 14:55
    I for one an VERY grateful for this effort. I've known since day 1 at Parallax training this was going to be toughest thing to understand and teach with the Propeller, and your document will surely help.

    Thanks Graham,

    Martin Hebel
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Electronic Systems Technologies

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  • Don DDon D Posts: 27
    edited 2006-09-11 19:26

    Since the counter PLLs are different from the system clock PLL -- For minimum confusion and reduced bugs, different constant names should be used instead of PLL16X (Maybe PLLDIV_1 to PLLDIV_128 ?).

    Your diagram should then show the PLLDIV box on the side as a register control instead of in-line in the bitstream.
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-11 23:37
    I have called the boxt PLL X16 because the box is a PLL that multiplies by 16 I'm not refering to a register. I make the divide a box on its own to show the process of division, the signal is multiplied by 16 and then divided in affect. The box contains a * showing that the division is controlled by the CTR register, it is not designed to represent the register PLLDIV.

  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,507
    edited 2006-09-11 23:39
    I've been busy on doing a quotation over the weekend but this is back on the top of my list of things to do, I re wrote a lot of the text a few days ago. Its hard to know where to aim it, spoon feeding makes it overly long and overly complicated seeming. Spoon flicking might be the way forward.

  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-09-11 23:54
    Oh wow, I'm glad someone started documenting this better.
    When I started with the propeller there wasn't much of any documentation anywhere on counters.
    So I'm glad to see things like this in the works.
  • Don DDon D Posts: 27
    edited 2006-09-12 12:47
    I have called the boxt PLL X16 because the box is a PLL that multiplies by 16 I'm not refering to a register. I make the divide a box on its own to show the process of division, the signal is multiplied by 16 and then divided in affect. The box contains a * showing that the division is controlled by the CTR register, it is not designed to represent the register PLLDIV.
    Oops, I realized this is what you intended·after the fact. In your diagram, PLLDIV controls the selector switch.
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