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SX/B Documentation Suggestion — Parallax Forums

SX/B Documentation Suggestion

YendorYendor Posts: 288
edited 2006-09-05 12:37 in General Discussion
Would it be possible for Jon or Bean to provide the last entire SX/B help file in a Microsoft Word or·similar format?

If not, would there be any issue with Parallax if I submit something, or at least provide how I did it (e.g. copyright issues, etc.)?

This way,·those interested·could have some 'self supported' hardware documentation, allowing us to do our own updates and changes as Bean chugs along with compiler updates.··· This would also be handy to add personal notes from Jon's articles and Bean's·+ other's forum messages.

I realize documentation can be a hassle, but feel this is a easy way to feed some hungry people!



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