QTI Sensors on BOE-BOT
I have installed Line Following app using 3 QTI sensors to my BOE-BOT. Everything runs fine. Using the spacers that come with the sensors give a ground clearance between sensors and·ground·of about 1/4". This works fine, but I would like a little more clearance. Does anybody know what the maximum·clearance distance that the Parallax QTI sensors will work following a line.·I·know I can just cut off the spacers that·I have till the sensors do not work, but I thought may somebody could save me some time (OK I am lazy).
······ Joe Fishback
-Robots are my friends-
······ Joe Fishback
-Robots are my friends-
I'm doing this from memory, but I don't think you can raise them much, if at all.
Bruce Bates
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Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Try out the four QTI system too. I think it's a better circuit and algorithm, both faster and more reliable. See A Faster QTI Subroutine for Boe-Bot Line Following in the Stamps in Class "Mini Projects"·section.
For clearance and immunity to ambient light, I would experiment with the Boe-Bot's IR object detection system. By mounting a section of straw or shrink wrap tubing over both the IR LED and the detector, you can focus the detection beam on an area that's much narrower than Chapter 8, Activity #3 in Robotics with the Boe-Bot (.pdf). Make sure both tubes are pointing at the same spot. I haven't tried it, but I'm guessing you'll be able to get pretty good performance at 3/8 or even 1/2 inch from the end of the straw/tubing. This will take some tinkering. The resistance in series with the IR LED will have to be adjusted, as will the length of the tubing and the distance from the end of the tubing to the surface.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 9/1/2006 4:25:00 PM GMT
I was wondering if anyone has tried this method of covering the sensors?
If that does not work would changing the resistor to a smaller value help?
I was running into the same problem of not enough ground clearance.