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HYDRA Release

Rob7Rob7 Posts: 275
edited 2006-09-02 16:15 in Propeller 1
I know this is an eary question, "But""I have to ask it. I have been at Every day or so.
Carefully studying the picture of the HYDRA Board.
It looks very exciting! I was wondering,·I have a project for a home video game station for the family.
If not before Christmas. I may have to make other plans.
I understand if you cannot reply, Just a head up will do ?
Please.. I can't wait!!!
"Do you know when the release of the HYDRA will be?"



  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,133
    edited 2006-08-30 05:16
    I don't know, exactly, but I know where the project's at: The hardware is ready to be mass produced and we have first articles, already. Andre finished the text to the manual last week·- and there is a lot of it! I heard today that we have a month's worth of line drawings to create per Andre's sketches. This makes me think it's about·six weeks away. I don't know, though. Andre?


    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • AndreLAndreL Posts: 1,004
    edited 2006-08-30 05:37
    The system will DEFINITELY be out before XMAS [noparse]:)[/noparse] There are so many things to manufacturing something like this since its an integrated system with hardware, software, books, games, etc. and there is a lot of art assets. So lots of things have to happen. But, here's where things are at:

    1. The hardware is done and first articles came back 100% functioning. This is the exception rather than the rule, so this is good news.

    2. Mass production is in process right now.

    3. One of the issues with a product like this is the packaging and integration. So the box, and all the pieces have to be fit into the box which means the right size box has to be bought. This is semi hard since boxes have to bought in really large quantities, like 5000-10000 to get a deal, thus Parallax tries to reuse certain box sizes for many products. Right now the HYDRA is planned to go into a Boa-bot type box and looks like everything should fit.

    4. The art work for the book and packaging is done, only last minute final copy and moving things around, product part numbers, UPC codes, etc. have to be put on there.

    5. The book I wrote is 100% done and in editing. Its in 3 major parts. Part I and II are edited and I have reviewed the edits already. I will re-submit them for final layout this week.

    6. Part III of the book is the hard part and has a lot of figures. However, I drew them all in 2-3 days and did the creative thinking part, the artist only has to re-copy them on the computer, so this is a big job, but not a month [noparse]:)[/noparse] More like a week or 2 since their artist works fast. He is 1/4th of the way thru already and I just dropped them off friday.

    7. All the software for the hydra, games, demos, firmware is all done. And there is nothing to do there. The code is gold master ready once everything is done, and once I get the latest version of the IDE and re-compile everything (200+ programs) then the CD will go gold and not be touched.

    So, that's what we are looking at right now. More or less there are 3 parallel processes that are all running and will probably will all finish at the same time, thus no bottle necks; the book editing and layout, the manufacturing, and the final assembly and planning for manufacture in china.

    Thus, I can guess in 1 month everything will be all done more or less. Also, the website for the product should go up shortly, but purchases won't be able to be made until the product is ready for shipping. But, you will be able to see all the media, etc. shortly before the launch of it. We are planning a launch price of $179-199 tentatively right now.

  • Rob7Rob7 Posts: 275
    edited 2006-08-30 12:59
    WoW !

    Lot's of work has been done , and lot's more to do!

    "Thanks so far for all your hard work", AndraL and Parallax.

    Thanks all, for your input. There sure is a lot going on to get this released, I am hopeing all goes well, and arrive's on time.

  • The CaptainThe Captain Posts: 60
    edited 2006-08-30 20:31
    I'm savin up money to buy one, it looks so cool. cant wait to start programming on it. roll.gif
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-08-30 20:32
    The process Andre' describes above superbly illustrates the difference between a "device" and a "product". It's one thing to create a working device. But turning a device into a product take a lot more work!

  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-08-31 15:14
    Yeah from what I've heard this thing has had a lot of work put into it.
    Countless hours from many people.

    I'm going to buy two when they release, one for me and one for a friend who is also into this kind of stuff.
  • AndreLAndreL Posts: 1,004
    edited 2006-09-01 05:34
    Phil's comment is VERY true! I can design a game console in a night. For example, the XGS took me 17 days from concept to complete prototype and firmware. But, to get it to market there are a billion things that have to happen. In the case of the Hydra we have two companies working togehter which can be good and bad, some things go faster, some things go slower. And we started with hardware and sofware in alpha/beta. Now, that we have all the pieces, there is so much to juggle, so many details, its a full time job all day just making sure everything is perfect. Basically, I have to interface with chip on hardware, ken on biz, and then others on editing, packging, book cover, manufacturing, and at my end manage all the coders (which is done), and respond in nanosecond to any request. The latest thing we had to do was a test procedure for example. So I wrote an app that tests all 8 cogs, video, vga, audio, color, usb, game pads, mouse, keyboard, leds, power, every word of memory and the kitchen sink. All VISUAL in seconds, so assemblers in china can do this brainlessly. Then I had to write the "test procedure" which itself is a huge process, so that someone that's know nothing about the hydra, can read this, load the software, test, and load the game firmware. ONE mistake and we get all the hydra's back with the wrong firmware loaded [noparse]:)[/noparse] Luckily, that's an easy fix, but if possible I want everything PERFECT [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Then of course there is the purchasing dilema for 3rd party parts like the controllers, keyboard, mice, etc. you find the perfect mouse, but how long do they take to get here, etc.? Its like you need a time machine to plan purchasing correctly [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Additionally, the educational aspect of the HYDRA is the biggest time killer for me. Writing a book is easy, writing a tutorial style book with hundreds of examples, figures, demos, photos, etc. is HARD, a lot of thought has to go into it, try, retry, throw away, etc. And this is designed for beginners/intermediates which are the hardest to write to.

    Lastly, to "YM2413a", make sure to try and network the HYDRAs together with the built in "HYDRA-net" network, it uses RJ-11 phone line, and is built in with noise cancellation as well. I got it up to 1.5Mbit full duplex at 100 meters without a hitch, I am sure it can do better. But, its very cool to be able to network them with simple phone lines (4 conductor twisted/reversed type, since I use 2 grounds in them and tx-rx, rx-tx).

  • Ym2413aYm2413a Posts: 630
    edited 2006-09-01 17:17
    AndreL said...

    Lastly, to "YM2413a", make sure to try and network the HYDRAs together with the built in "HYDRA-net" network, it uses RJ-11 phone line, and is built in with noise cancellation as well. I got it up to 1.5Mbit full duplex at 100 meters without a hitch, I am sure it can do better. But, its very cool to be able to network them with simple phone lines (4 conductor twisted/reversed type, since I use 2 grounds in them and tx-rx, rx-tx).

    Oh Wow.
    This I didn't even know about.

    Well that would be really cool!
    Time to write some crazy multiplayer game where two teams of two battle it out! (lol)
    How about 4 players pacman, where everyone is a ghost and Pacman is the computer who keeps eating all your dots!? That would be funny.

  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2006-09-02 16:15
    Well that is beyond CANbus at 1.0Mbit half duplex at 40 meters on twisted pair.
    The wonders of the Propeller never cease.

    I was just beginning to crave a substantial video tutorial for the Propeller. Guess I know what I'll buy myself for Christmas smile.gif

    "If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
    ···················· Tropical regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
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