Interfacing Propeller Chip
Ok guys.....I did have a bunch of manuals about ic interfacing and such.....but I don't have them any more.
I have a bunch of interfacing to do. Multiple Serial communications.....also some 5 volt two way communication, and some adc type things.
I have found some Maxim IC's for the ADC's. I have also found some R232 translators for the right voltage.
Now the real question....what about two way 5 volt single pin communication?
The voltage thing is really throwing me for a loop.
I have a bunch of interfacing to do. Multiple Serial communications.....also some 5 volt two way communication, and some adc type things.
I have found some Maxim IC's for the ADC's. I have also found some R232 translators for the right voltage.
Now the real question....what about two way 5 volt single pin communication?
The voltage thing is really throwing me for a loop.
The I2C bus is really a single pin communication system with a clock added for synchronization so any bus extenders designed for I2C should work in this setting. The advantage of using active level shifting vs. just some protective resistors is that the Propeller might have trouble pulling the party line voltage low enough with the protective series resistor you'd need.
See the second subject on interfacing on this forum started by Dave Scanlan. This covers probably most of the 3.3v vs 5v interfacing situations.
Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn
·· It looks like a specialized FET of some sort.· It's a FET, but the diode must be something used in this configuration for control/connecting two different voltages?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks guys....this is a huge project for me...I think I will end up with two propellers to make the project work.