Newbie needs Help.......
Is it possible to use relays with the homework board, or am·I barking up the wrong tree?· I have the ULN2003 and a 5vdc coil 120vac 1A·relay but just can't seem to get it to work.· I'm trying to switch·a pneumatic·solenoid on/off and just don't know enough about anything, any words of wisdom·our slaps in the·face are welcome!· I do have to say·I wish·I would have·discovered the wonderful world of micrcontrollers sooner!! I'm having·such a good time!! I think·I've been at it for about a month·now and cannot believe the awesome power! I·digress...· THANKS!
To verify you have it connected correctly:
If you are powering 120V, a better choice may be a Solid State Relay, which is controlled essentially as an LED is.
Martin Hebel
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Electronic Systems Technologies
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Post Edit --
The output of a 2003 isn't like a logic gate, that's a frequent misunderstanding.· It is an open-collector transistor, the load connects to the output and the other side goes to +V.
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 8/27/2006 2:27:15 PM GMT
I looked at that schematic for 20 minutes last night, and I KNEW what was wrong. The problem was that every time my eyes traced back the relay leads, it was connected to the "right" (and electrically left) terminal of the power supply.
General convention usually dictates that the positive will be on the LEFT and the negative will be on the RIGHT, and sure enough when I traced it back it said "5 V" leading me down the garden path again! Further down it INDEED says + and - but that didn't enter my visualization <sigh>.
Bruce Bates
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