Well, if you're talking "Modified Servo" motors, you can drive as many as you can refresh. Since they refresh every 20 mSec, and the drive pulse is 2 mSec per motor worst case, that's about 10 motors.
Oh, wait, if each motor takes 100 mA when active -- the Linear Regulator should be good for 1 amp -- yes, that should still work.
what in the world did you just say all i what to know is if i buy the boe bot usb with the board of ed how many survos/motors can it run right out of the box
ooooooooo thanks that really helps thats cool that u can use the pins as inputs or output the mindstorm rcx and nxt both of which i own you have to use either the sensor or motor ports
thanks a lot that reals helps ethan master of life legos and soon i hope the boe bot [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse];)[/noparse]
Oh, wait, if each motor takes 100 mA when active -- the Linear Regulator should be good for 1 amp -- yes, that should still work.
And the "Servo/Motor" is the simplist kind to interface. So the simple answer is: You can run 10 "Servo/Motors" right out of the box.
The BOE-Bot, unlike the Mindstorms brick (3 I/O, 3 Motors), has 16 I/O pins, which you can use for input OR output as you see fit.
thanks a lot that reals helps ethan master of life legos and soon i hope the boe bot [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse];)[/noparse]