Remote GPS Readout (my very modest first project)
My goal is to use the BS2 to average my position over a time period for more accurate readings in hopes of improving my luck at finding geocaches. But, I'm starting with an easier programming project, and now I can wear the GPS on my hat up in the clear and look like a total idiot 

[img] 002.jpg[/img]
[img] 001.jpg[/img]
[img] 003.jpg[/img]

[img] 002.jpg[/img]
[img] 001.jpg[/img]
[img] 003.jpg[/img]
How much did the GPS costed you???
Keep walking...
Provas, Greece
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I have a deluo GPS unit I figure the output of the GPS can be determined with hyperterminal. But thats
about as far as I got.
Cool project.
Where did you find a case that fits the homework board so well ? What is it ?
P.S. I don't think it's a modest project at all. Nice job.
Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
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"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" Christopher Robin to Pooh
Look at my BASIC program to see how to use SERIN and WAIT to pick and choose the data you need from the data stream.
In the case of the Garmin I just had to connect their serial TX and Gnd pins to the BS and it worked.
Bean: The case was indeed a lucky find! I got it for 99 cents at A. C. Moore, a craft supply shop; I don't know if they're a national chain, though. I bought a few figuring I'd end up destroying a couple trying to cut the hole for the readout (and I did), so I'll see if I can find one with the label still intact and post back here the manufacturer and model.
The homework board is not fastened in any way. It just sits in there and with the battery thickness, it doesn't wiggle at all with the case shut.
Post Edited (George99) : 8/22/2006 1:49:13 PM GMT
Can you let me know how accurate it is???
Very nice project again...
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
The hellinic (Greek) robots portal: Greekbotics
Many Projects and Schematics by the users·and also robotic news
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The first one is that although the bearing to the waypoint shown as a number is correct, the arrow display is limited by the capabilities of the 5x8 character matrix of the LCD display. I did it fairly simply and used custom character loadup and created 8 arrows point to N, NE, E, SE, etc.
Second, the NMEA output shows the distance in nautical miles accurate to 3 decimal places. This means the distance reading is in multiples a little over 6 feet.
You can see in the second photo the discrepancy in the arrow and the distance (gps says 105, reading shows 103).
My next version of the program will compute the distance using the geographic coordinates instead. This has proven tougher than first envisioned. For one thing, having 2 complete sets of points in RAM (lat and lon of position and waypoint) requires more storage than is available.
The other catch is that although one minute of latitude is almost exactly one nautical mile, one minute of longitude is 1 NM at the equator and gets smaller as you move away from the equator. At my latitude, it's about .7 miles per minute.
All this in integer arithmetic with trig functions that divide the circle into 256 parts!
Stay tuned. (but don't hold your breath)
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I'm pretty sure that model of GPS didn't have an electronic compass (just a computed one -- you need to move for it to know the direction).
So, what you could do, is put the compass IC in the pink box and use the stamp to read it and compare it to the reading come from the GPS. Then when you stop, the GPS keeps outputting your last direction based on previous movement. The stamp could read the compass and then compare to the gps reading. So if you were to stand still and rotate, the display would give you direction relative to you, not your last movements (sorry, does this make sense...haha).
Just a thought....
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