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Propeller Tool Software COM port issue — Parallax Forums

Propeller Tool Software COM port issue

Ashok KumarAshok Kumar Posts: 5
edited 2006-09-09 04:19 in Propeller 1

I finally took time out to assemble my propstick but got stuck at this weird error.
I have radioshack USB to Serial cable and the drivers installed. Its using COM17 port.

There are COM6 to COM16 ports used up by some bluetooth device i installed.

When i try to make the propeller software connect to serial port, first of all it doesnt
give options to select th COM port and it searches from COM6 to COM16 and stops
and gives an error saying, Propeller not detected.

I checked the hardware device list (windows xp home) and it shows up all the ports
including COM17. Also, i am able to connect Basic Stamp Editor to COM17 (i can
select the COM port in this case).

Is there a way out ? I am using v0.98.1.

Appreciate any help on this.




  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 755
    edited 2006-08-16 20:56

    If COM17 truly isn't being accessed by the Propeller software, it's likely because Windows isn't reporting it (in the same way as the others) as an available port.·

    I wrote a small program (attached to this post) in anticipation of this situation with some USB to Serial devices.· Please do the following:

    · 1)·Plug in your USB to Serial adapter.

    · 2) Run the COM Port Enumerator.exe program.

    · 3) Click on the "Get COM Ports" button

    · 4) Look at the list it displays·(you may have to scroll) and see if you can find port 17 listed anywhere.·

    · 5) Take a screenshot of that list and either post it here or send it via private message to me.

    I'll see if I can determine a way to correct the problem based on these findings.


    --Jeff Martin

    · Sr. Software Engineer
    · Parallax, Inc.
  • Ashok KumarAshok Kumar Posts: 5
    edited 2006-08-16 21:34
    Thanks Jeff!

    I will do this once i get home today.

    But as a quick note, i checked the device list in Hardware Devices in Windows XP and it shows all the devices including COM17.
    The ones the tool is recognising all have 'Serial Port' in their description, while COM17's description doesnt have it.

    Also, as i told, COM17 is a perfectly working port as i do all my Boe Bot stuff on that.

    Will test with your program once i get back home tonite.

    Thanks Again.
  • Kevin L.Kevin L. Posts: 10
    edited 2006-08-16 21:50
    You can try and re-assigning your USB-Serial from COM17 to a lower number, maybe disabling some of the Bluetooth Serial that you're not using.

    On my laptop, when I first plug in my Prop., it was detected on COM12, but some of the terminal programs I use does not go up that high, so I just re-assigned it to COM2, and it works just fine. I only need to do this once, as it remembers the new port.
  • Ashok KumarAshok Kumar Posts: 5
    edited 2006-08-17 01:34

    I have attached the output of the program you sent.
    I changed my port to COM4, but still tool cant detect it.

    I hope we can make a change so that we can force a COM port.

    640 x 451 - 43K
    335 x 191 - 18K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-08-24 03:22

    Now this thing has bitten me, too. I have an FTDI USB serial port on COM3. The Stamp IDE recognizes it, but the Propeller IDE won't even scan it. This is true with the original USB adapter that came with the beta Demo Board, a USB Stamp board, and a new Propeller board I'm working on. It's also true using the Propeller IDE versions 0.70, 0.71.1, 0.95.1, and 0.98.1. I tried your EnumerateCOMPorts program, but it only sees COM1 and COM2, whaich are both native RS232 ports on my machine.

    But here's the kicker ... and maybe a clue. I've configured the USB port that registers as COM3 — per the FTDI recommendations — to ignore the FT232R serial number, so it won't assign a new COM port for every new device that's plugged in. If I use the same hardware on a different USB port, it registers as COM4, and both the Stamp IDE and the Propeller IDE recognize it. Your port scanner finds it, too.

    It would appear that the methods used by the Stamp IDE and the Propeller IDE for locating candidate serial ports are different, with the Propeller IDE's being more sensitive to certain driver settings.

  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 755
    edited 2006-08-24 19:41

    The Stamp Editor allows you to specify ports to try or to ignore (it allows the user to Force a port to be checked).· That feature still remains for legacy reasons, but we are now using Microsoft's recommended method of getting the information from the OS, regardless of the user's security settings (security settings per use on NT-based OSs were what led us to do the "force it" method in the Stamp Editor.

    It appears that there is something else going on.· I'll look into it.

    --Jeff Martin

    · Sr. Software Engineer
    · Parallax, Inc.
  • Levitis LeviathanLevitis Leviathan Posts: 32
    edited 2006-08-25 01:53
    I had a similar problem. The culprit was the Blue Soleil Bluetooth device program installed on the PC. Since I didn't use Bluetooth regularly on this machine, I uninstalled that program and everything was fine with the Propeller IDE interface. (The exact symptoms I was experiencing was that the "scanning ports" message box would open on the IDE, then freeze the program completely when it got to "Scanning Port COM4". I couldn't get rid of this message box or stop the Propeller IDE and would be forced to reboot.)
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,559
    edited 2006-08-25 02:38
    Something that I might also mention that creeps up from time to time is the "Hot Sync" used for Palms and the like will sometimes hold a COM port hostage and interfere with things.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Jeff MartinJeff Martin Posts: 755
    edited 2006-08-25 14:06
    Version 0.98.1 of the software should be able to get past the frozen "scanning ports" message; that was a problem I tracked down and fixed already.

    Also, in that version, if the Propeller was not found, it will give a list of ports tried and status for each one, so the problems caused by Hot Sync holding a port hostage would be seen as a port being unable to open.

    The interesting thing is the new problem which was metioned above, where the Propeller Tool doesn't detect that a particular port exists.

    --Jeff Martin

    · Sr. Software Engineer
    · Parallax, Inc.
  • ProgrammertannerProgrammertanner Posts: 20
    edited 2006-08-27 16:01
    i got a radio shack adapter for 39.99 and it didnt work on anything no matter wat i did
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-08-29 17:00
    We have tested the Radio Shack brand USB to Serial cable as compatible.· On some computers you need to disable the FIFO buffers in it.·· Also you should always download the latest driver from their website.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-07 18:03
    I'm having some similar issues. I have a Keyspan 19HS USB to serial adapter. I have tried just about everything to get the Propeller Tool to see the port. I have changed port numbers, FIFO buffers, etc. The Tool reports no serial ports found. I have tried the COM port enumerator program provided in this thread and it shows nada. The device manager shows the port and, I hate to say it, I have no problem connecting to my BasicAtom via the Basic Micro IDE. I have had no issues with the Keyspan adapter with any other program. I use it to connect to my CMUCAM via both a REALbasic program I created and the interface provided with the camera. I'd love to ditch the BasicAtom in favor of the vast potential of the Propeller but I can't waste any more time just trying to figure out why the Tool can't see a COM port. I'm using a Dell XPS M170 running XP ME. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-09-07 18:54
    AppCogSys, is your system running Windows ME or Windows XP? The Propeller Tool was designed to run on XP, so that may be the issue.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-07 19:18
    Sorry I was vague and contradictory. It's running XP Media Center Edition... supposedly XP with some tweaks.
  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-07 20:33
    I just wanted to update a bit more. I wasn't sure if the issue was system or circuit related. Rather than do the wise thing and order a Prop Stick, I rolled my own on a breadboard. I was able to get to an older "legacy" system with actual COM ports running XP Home Edition. Everything worked like a charm. I was able to identify the chip, write to RAM and program the EEPROM. This isolates it to my system and the Keyspan USB to serial. Any advice, short of taking the risk of buying a new USB to Serial would be great. As I said when I joined this thread, the adapter works for pretty much everything else I've ever tried including (forgot to add to the list) the MaxSream XBee developer boards.

    Post Edited (AppCogSys) : 9/7/2006 8:37:10 PM GMT
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-09-07 21:32
    I do not know if Keyspan's USB to serial adapter has been tested to see if it works with Parallax products. Parallax products use the DTR signal of the RS-232, not all USB to serial adapters generate the auxiliary signals of the RS-232 protocol. If Keyspan's product does not, it will not work with Parallax products. You can try to locate information to confirm if this is the case, if it is Parallax sells suitable converters that will definitely work.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-07 23:50
    Would this account for the Propeller Tool reporting no serial ports found? It seems like the DTR signal would affect communications with the chip, not the software's ability to detect a port.
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-09-08 01:11
    Yes DTR is required to reset the propeller, the propeller must be reset by the Tool in order for the proper reply string to be sent back. It is this string that is used by the Tool to discover where the propeller is. If the Tool doesn't find the propeller via this method it will generate a Popup window to the effect of "No propeller chip found on any COM port".

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-09-08 01:35

    I think AppCogSys is reporting that the IDE didn't even examine his USB com port because it didn't know one was there — not that it couldn't find a connected Propeller. I'm basing this on his account of using Jeff's com port enumerator and finding "nada". (This could be verified further under the 0.98.1 IDE, which lists the ports it examines.) There is an issue with the IDE not finding all the available com ports on a PC, which Jeff is investigating. Based on the evidence presented, my gut feeling is that this problem, like some of the others mentioned here (mine included), falls under this category rather than those involving DTR issues.

  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-08 02:03
    Phil hit it on the head. I don't think it's even seeing the COM port - let alone trying to establish a connection. When I test the IDE on my legacy system it clearly examines the COM ports. If the Propeller chip is not present or, in my case, there is a misplaced wire on the breadboard, it returns a list of ports checked and a chip not found alert. Once the circuit is put together properly it works like a charm. Unfortunately, my legacy system is a dog and unbearably slow to work on. In the case of the Keyspan adapter on my newer system, it simply says no COM port found. I have changed the port number from as low as 1 to as high as 17 with a smattering in between. I don't want to buy a new usb to serial only to find I get the exact same error and that this is a bug in the IDE. I'm also wondering why the COM port is not being found by the little utility available in this thread. It shows up in the device manager. If anyone has had success or tested the Keyspan 19HS with success they should post it to this thread.
  • LarryLarry Posts: 212
    edited 2006-09-08 03:15
    OK, here's another piece of anecdotal info. I have an Intel Mac that I have tried unsuccesfully to use to comunicate with the Propellor tool and with MACBS2 through a 19HS (in the MACBS2 case) or with a USB2SER( in the PROP case). I'm pretty sure I have installed appropriate drivers (not many choices with an Intel Mac)
    The 19HS works with other programs.I can backup my Palm, for instance,

    I tried the Prop tool on both WinXP home and on the new Beta version of CrossoverMac, which runs Widows programs in a Mac environment.

    The Crossover app. runs the Prop tool just fine, allowing proper program writing and saving , etc. About the only thing that doesn't work is that the character Maps don't display properly.( I can click on some black blobs that will then write characters to my program) I have no idea if this a Crossover Beta version problem or the Parallax folks doing some non-standard programming in the IDE, but even with this problem, the combination would be a great one if the darn thing would just program a chip.

    I have the same problem with MACBS2, but with a twist. I get "Stamp not found" or "Comm Port not recognized" messages, seemingly at random, but I know the port is comunicating. If I have a program installed on a Stamp that writes to the DEBUG window or is supposed to get info from DEBUGIN , that works just fine. MACBS2 just won't program a Stamp on my Intel Mac. I ran the Windows Stamp IDE on Crossover and WinXP on the Mac with the same result.

    Until the serial interface gets solved, I'm forced to keep my crumby Wintel NEC laptop in service just for programming Satmps and Props. Close but no cigar.

  • Brian RileyBrian Riley Posts: 626
    edited 2006-09-08 03:47
    Larry said...
    OK, here's another piece of anecdotal info. I have an Intel Mac that I have tried unsuccesfully to use to comunicate with the Propellor tool and with MACBS2 through a 19HS (in the MACBS2 case) or with a USB2SER( in the PROP case). I'm pretty sure I have installed appropriate drivers (not many choices with an Intel Mac)
    The 19HS works with other programs.I can backup my Palm, for instance,

    I tried the Prop tool on both WinXP home and on the new Beta version of CrossoverMac, which runs Widows programs in a Mac environment.

    The Crossover app. runs the Prop tool just fine, allowing proper program writing and saving , etc. About the only thing that doesn't work is that the character Maps don't display properly.( I can click on some black blobs that will then write characters to my program) I have no idea if this a Crossover Beta version problem or the Parallax folks doing some non-standard programming in the IDE, but even with this problem, the combination would be a great one if the darn thing would just program a chip.

    I have the same problem with MACBS2, but with a twist. I get "Stamp not found" or "Comm Port not recognized" messages, seemingly at random, but I know the port is comunicating. If I have a program installed on a Stamp that writes to the DEBUG window or is supposed to get info from DEBUGIN , that works just fine. MACBS2 just won't program a Stamp on my Intel Mac. I ran the Windows Stamp IDE on Crossover and WinXP on the Mac with the same result.

    Until the serial interface gets solved, I'm forced to keep my crumby Wintel NEC laptop in service just for programming Satmps and Props. Close but no cigar.

    I have a MacBookPro and use BootCamp and dual boot WinXP and have no problem at all. Using the latest FTDI Windows drivers for either Propeller, stamps, or SX Key. I also have no problem with stamps or FTDI with KeySpan drivers. I have no luck with MacBS2 and the FTDI Intel driver under OSX.

    CrossOver is still garbage and documentation is almsot nil. They have a long way to go. Parallels still needs a lot of work on USB drivers. Setup Bootcamp with a FAT32 partition (so OSX can read/write from/to it) and you can get rid of your other laptop.

    cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
    See the K107 Serial LCD Controller at
  • Brian RileyBrian Riley Posts: 626
    edited 2006-09-08 03:51
    Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) said...

    Now this thing has bitten me, too. I have an FTDI USB serial port on COM3. The Stamp IDE recognizes it, but the Propeller IDE won't even scan it. This is true with the original USB adapter that came with the beta Demo Board, a USB Stamp board, and a new Propeller board I'm working on. It's also true using the Propeller IDE versions 0.70, 0.71.1, 0.95.1, and 0.98.1. I tried your EnumerateCOMPorts program, but it only sees COM1 and COM2, whaich are both native RS232 ports on my machine.

    But here's the kicker ... and maybe a clue. I've configured the USB port that registers as COM3 — per the FTDI recommendations — to ignore the FT232R serial number, so it won't assign a new COM port for every new device that's plugged in. If I use the same hardware on a different USB port, it registers as COM4, and both the Stamp IDE and the Propeller IDE recognize it. Your port scanner finds it, too.

    It would appear that the methods used by the Stamp IDE and the Propeller IDE for locating candidate serial ports are different, with the Propeller IDE's being more sensitive to certain driver settings.


    This is strange, theFTDI driveron my system sets up as COM3, COM5, COM7 depending on which USB port I use and so far Prop Tool has always found it. I am running a fully up to date Win XP Pro with latest FTDI driver on a MacBookPro booted under Windows not VMed.

    cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
    See the K107 Serial LCD Controller at
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2006-09-08 05:05

    The FTDI setup on one of my USB ports is one that entailed changing some registry keys (among other things) so that multiple, unique FT232Rs could be connected in sequence without creating a new com port each time. This was done so that multiple FTDI-equipped PCBs could be tested without overflowing the port assignments past COM99. (This is not necessary for the older FT232BMs, BTW — only the newer "R" version parts, each of which transmits a unique serial number.) Another USB port on the same machine is configured with normal FTDI settings. It's the first port that the IDE won't recognize; the second works fine. But the important fact is that both ports work fine with other apps. It's only the Propeller IDE that fails to acknowledge the one with the "unusual" settings. Jeff's software uses a Microsoft-recommended procedure for enumerating the available com ports. But it's not finding them all. When he comes up with a solution most, if not all, such problems should vanish &mdash at least on native Windows machines.

  • parskoparsko Posts: 501
    edited 2006-09-08 06:34

    For what it is worth. I tried a Keyspan USB2SER when I first got my Prop, and was building my demolition board. I don't recall the model, but it was the one that was recommended for use with the AtomPro (back when I was slummin it). It worked great for that, but didn't work on my Prop. I did not play with any drivers (for instance FTDI)·though, I must say. But I did try using it on the Prop with a computer that I KNEW worked for the AtomPro.
    [noparse][[/noparse]Note; I just check Keyspans site, I have the 19HS model, at least without confirming, it visually looks identical. I'll gladly confirm after work if necessary.]


    PS- I made a custom cable with an in-line black box that had a mini toggle on it to switch the DTR while trasferring data from eeprom to Hyperterminal (using the Keyspan and the AtomPro), and had no problems. I will be attempting this same thing (using·the cable with the black box to switch DTR)·this weekend with the Prop once I can figure out how to reliably read my eeproms.

    Post Edited (parsko) : 9/8/2006 6:38:16 AM GMT
  • AppCogSysAppCogSys Posts: 9
    edited 2006-09-08 15:05
    From what I'm hearing it sounds like the Keyspan adapter should work. People seem to be using it with some success on cross-platform solutions. There does seem to be a hiccup with the Prop Tool that prevents it from seeing all available COM ports in some instances. The term "Microsoft-recommended procedure" has come up a couple of times. Why does that send alarms off in my head?

    I did notice when I look at all assigned COM ports through the Keyspan serial assistant that my Max Stream install has grabbed a port even though no device is connected at all and, if it was, it would be connected through the Keyspan adapter. Is it normal for a piece of software to permanently usurp a port number like that? I may try uninstalling that and trying the Prop Tool again.

    I look forward to any fixes Jeff may come up with. While this issue may cause headaches on newer systems some of the time, it doesn't detract from an overall remarkable product.
  • Brian RileyBrian Riley Posts: 626
    edited 2006-09-09 04:19
    Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) said...

    The FTDI setup on one of my USB ports is one that entailed changing some registry keys (among other things) so that multiple, unique FT232Rs could be connected in sequence without creating a new com port each time. This was done so that multiple FTDI-equipped PCBs could be tested without overflowing the port assignments past COM99. (This is not necessary for the older FT232BMs, BTW — only the newer "R" version parts, each of which transmits a unique serial number.) Another USB port on the same machine is configured with normal FTDI settings. It's the first port that the IDE won't recognize; the second works fine. But the important fact is that both ports work fine with other apps. It's only the Propeller IDE that fails to acknowledge the one with the "unusual" settings. Jeff's software uses a Microsoft-recommended procedure for enumerating the available com ports. But it's not finding them all. When he comes up with a solution most, if not all, such problems should vanish — at least on native Windows machines.


    I have to say I have been flying along blindly trusting the drivers (read that as no registry edits, no configs run, just plugging the adapters into a USN 4 port hub I have and off and running) and so far it has given me no cause to distrust it. I have had simultaneously plugged in a USB2SER, the Prop Demo Board and the old style Parallax/FTDI USB2Serial adapters with Stamp Editor and SXKey and Prop Tool all running and had no problems.

    I guess maybe being irish is a god thing ! <grin>

    cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
    See the K107 Serial LCD Controller at
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