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·· I have attached some code used to controll two speed controllers that use pulses just·like a·RC servo please look through it and maybe suggest anything that could have been done differently. Thanks. Part of the code was used to control a Boebot with a RC radio.·Also does anyone have an Idea of how to allow a kind of dwell when you move the joystick off center before it actually moves the motor?
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 8/15/2006 2:52:26 AM GMT
·· I have attached some code used to controll two speed controllers that use pulses just·like a·RC servo please look through it and maybe suggest anything that could have been done differently. Thanks. Part of the code was used to control a Boebot with a RC radio.·Also does anyone have an Idea of how to allow a kind of dwell when you move the joystick off center before it actually moves the motor?
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 8/15/2006 2:52:26 AM GMT