looking for vertical angle sensor for BS2
Posts: 4
i need a sensor to know in what my bot angle while climbing on ramp- need at least +-20deg range
and low price of course
and low price of course
Most chip manufacturers will give you a couple of samples. Some are more liberal than others. Maxim/Dallas is quite liberal.
Bruce Bates
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Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
the only problem is the price that will be around 40$ inc' shipping (to ISRAEL)
hi- do u have seller in israel for your products - so i'll be able to save at least the shipping cost ??
If cost is your overriding concern, simply take a pot, mount it sideways/horizontal and hang an arm with a weight off it.· Experiment with the weight and arm until you get it to always hang down (and turn the pot) due to gravity.· Use RC-time to read the pot, and correlate the readings to the angle of the 'bot.
You could also do something similar using a free swinging pendulum, IR source and detector - just measure how far away the pendulum is from the sensor and correlate to angle.
These are not as elegant·as single chip solutions (and sometimes the exposed mechanical parts can be a problem), but they are cheap in materials.