reading from a matrix orbital LCD with BS2SX
I have a LK205-25 Matrix Orbital LCD conencted to my BS2SX.· I can drive the LCD perfectly using SEROUT commands, but I am having problems reading from it.· I am trying to read the version number of the display back first, but my ultimate goal is to read the keypad.· A small version of my code is below.· Any help would be greatly appreciated.
· serStr VAR Byte
· Main:
··· SEROUT 6,110,[noparse][[/noparse]254,54]
··· SERIN 7,110,100,No_Data,[noparse][[/noparse]serStr]
··· DEBUG serStr
··· GOTO Main
· No_Data:
··· DEBUG "No data"
· serStr VAR Byte
· Main:
··· SEROUT 6,110,[noparse][[/noparse]254,54]
··· SERIN 7,110,100,No_Data,[noparse][[/noparse]serStr]
··· DEBUG serStr
··· GOTO Main
· No_Data:
··· DEBUG "No data"
·· I posted some code for reading a password from a keypad connected to the LK-205 at one point.· I will have to track that down.· In the mean time the following thread has some example code.· You will simply need to change the baud mode for your BS2sx, since the code is written for the BS2.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support