Big BOE-BOT - Looking for advice from someone with experience using the Motor M
I would like to use the Motor Mind C with a Parallax BOE and two gearmotors on what is essentially an overgrown BOE-BOT chassis. The MMC will be controlled by a Parallax BOE and I want to start out with the MMC·configured to respond to the RC signals like the servos on a BOE-BOT. I would expect that this has been done many times and there are some best practices that this forum can help me with.
I would appreciated suggestions about using a BOE to control an MMC in RC mode. Is the typical SIC PBasic code that is used to control the servos on a BOE-BOT going to work with the MMC, or is the PULSOUT sequencing going to have to modified in some way?
I am teaching using the·Parallax SIC materials and would like to enrich the students' experience by providing another mobil platform that they can use their BOE-BOT code on. Eventually they will find that they want to control the MMC with serial instructions of course, and they will be exposed to some new possibilities.
I would appreciated suggestions about using a BOE to control an MMC in RC mode. Is the typical SIC PBasic code that is used to control the servos on a BOE-BOT going to work with the MMC, or is the PULSOUT sequencing going to have to modified in some way?
I am teaching using the·Parallax SIC materials and would like to enrich the students' experience by providing another mobil platform that they can use their BOE-BOT code on. Eventually they will find that they want to control the MMC with serial instructions of course, and they will be exposed to some new possibilities.