Sending alarm using a modem and a Basic Stamp ( Please, Help)
I have post but it seems it was not at the right place.
So I am posting here.
I need to send messages using a GSM modem
and a basic stamp.
I need to know about the hardware I need
to have. I need comunication betwen
the Basic Stamp and the GSM modem.
I need Help, thanks: Joe
I have post but it seems it was not at the right place.
So I am posting here.
I need to send messages using a GSM modem
and a basic stamp.
I need to know about the hardware I need
to have. I need comunication betwen
the Basic Stamp and the GSM modem.
I need Help, thanks: Joe
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
- Stephen
The modem has RS232.
That is the PDF:
My problem is about the hardware that I need to
send mesages.
I have done some tests using a homework Stamp and the modem
but I am not sure about the hardaware.
Do you have some information?
Thanks, Joe
- Stephen
The modem has worked with the homework board.
But sometimes the modems doesn't send messages.
( It is not 100 % reliable, it is about 70 % reliable)
The Homework board has power source and voltage regulator.
And the modem has its own power source and regulator.
I don't understand if I need a converter.
Do you know if Parallax sells a converter rs232 to TTL ?
Thanks, Joe