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cognew(otherObj) — Parallax Forums


janbjanb Posts: 74
edited 2006-08-02 04:09 in Propeller 1
I was wondering if it is allowed to fire a method from an OBJ being a member variable of the main OBJ on another cog?
Sth like this:
· long stack[noparse][[/noparse]32]
· tt: "J_test"
PUB main
· tt.init
· cognew(tt.toggle,@stack)
··tt.setFlag(10) ' this value is NOT passed ·to tt ?!

the method tt.toggle blinks LED so I see it works, but
tt.setFlag(10) should·set internal varibale of J_test and
trun off the LED - this does not work.
If I reverse the order:
··tt.setFlag(10) ' this value is passed
·than LED turns off instatntly - as it should.

So it looks like after cognew() the main cog is loosing access to the sub-OBJ.

In the manual it says only
cogenew(SpinMethod, ....
SpinMethod must be a method but does not say it must belong to the main OBJ. But perhaps it is implicit?



  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,559
    edited 2006-08-02 04:09

    It's hard to tell without looking at all of your code, but I think what might be happening
    is that when you call...




    ...never gets executed because the 'tt.toggle' is in an endless loop. When you reverse the
    order, the 'tt.setFlag(10)' gets set prior to running 'tt.toggle'.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
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