Does anyone know where I can find info on how to link two different BS2's together or link a BS2 to a different co-proccesor?
The hookup isn't big enough for me to run the BS2 with the ribbon wires I have, and the·experaminting I want to do will require a co-processor.
I have a robotics book that talks about cutting pins off the BS2 and hacking a ribbon to get the right amount of wires but I would really rather not destroy my BS2.
The hookup isn't big enough for me to run the BS2 with the ribbon wires I have, and the·experaminting I want to do will require a co-processor.
I have a robotics book that talks about cutting pins off the BS2 and hacking a ribbon to get the right amount of wires but I would really rather not destroy my BS2.

The information and circuitry you're looking for can be found both in the PBASIC Reference Manual AND the PBASIC Help File. Check the SERIN and SEROUT commands.
Bruce Bates
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Ok, the SERIN and SEROUT are the key, however I can't find anything telling me if the co-proccessor has to be written in PBasic or if it can be written in something else. For that matter if I use a wireless transmitter to link with my PC will it read in Pbasic if I write it on the PC or will it need to jump through hoops to work?
Further more
at which point I found no references in the table of contents or the index of my materials.·Are these·online sources?