433MHz Transceivers with BoeBots
I was considering getting a set of the 433MHz RF transceivers, and wonder if there is much experimentation using them on BOEBOTS. Also considering the SureLink transceivers... Does anyone know how practical they are with boebots?
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
What kind of distance were you hoping to achieve, and will it be indoors or outdoors?
I'm sure there is plenty of experimentation done with RF and BOE-Bots, but I know of no source of reference, nor any specific documentation. I don't remember if there was a Nuts and Volts article regarding that topic, but you might want to check them on the Parallax web site here:
Bruce Bates
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I have a project that I want to do that is going to be bi directional using an SX48 board hopefully in the future. If you want to do bi directional then you can't use radio controled car parts. There is an old thread on this if you look for it. I might try using two BoeBots from one control station in the future.
I do not need great distance capability. I do want to receive data from the bot, so RC car stuff will not work. I was thinking of being able to receive data from the ping sensor, or perhaps from a compass...Just want to experiment with receiving data from the bot, more than controlling it's direction....
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
(I think you will like the pricesTWS-434 RF transmitter, and RWS-434 RF receiver)
Post Edited (Steve Joblin) : 8/1/2006 6:37:35 PM GMT
I checked out that site. It looks very interesting. Thank you.
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
I just ordered up a transmitter and receiver. You're right..the prices are very low...Looks like fun...
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
I am somewhat on the same mission as you are. I plan on sending and receiving data to and from my robot at many distances. I am planning on buying the Parallax 433 MHz RF Transceiver Package also and trying different experiments. But that is step 1000 and I am on step 2 of my goals. We should share our findings and what not and help each other out. Here is my post:
I bookmarked your post and all the responses. I will go over them all in a day or two. I am just building up a couple of BoeBots with nmy son, and I got the Surelink Transceivers and a couple of QuickLink Demo boards, and I also just received the Reynolds Electronics TWS 434atransmitter and RWS 434receiver. I am KB6GK, but at this point, I am not really considering Amateur frequencies and priviledges, but maybe that will enter into the equation eventually.
Ron Giuntini
San Francisco
My thread is mainly talking about what I should use to accomplish my third goal. There isn’t really much technical talk about anything else. It seems that you have a variety of units to play with. I am looking forward to reviewing your findings.
P.S. I do not have a car sign yet for I haven’t taken the technician test yet. That will be in a month or 2.