Infrared Remote Control Code
Hey guys. I'm a counselor at a summer computer camp, and we offer Robotics as a course. One of the projects in this course is to hook up some IR receivers and use a remote to control the computer. I don't know if Parallax makes the remote or if it's proprietary, so here's a picture of it:

Anyway, the way our camp gives us the code, the cars move in short bursts instead of continuously. I've been trying to optimize the code, but for the life of me I just cannot figure it out! Can anyone explain to me what in god's name is going on here?:

Anyway, the way our camp gives us the code, the cars move in short bursts instead of continuously. I've been trying to optimize the code, but for the life of me I just cannot figure it out! Can anyone explain to me what in god's name is going on here?:
'Version 030217 '{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' '''''''''''''''' ' main routine ' '''''''''''''''' DEBUG "Reset",CR DO WHILE 1 'loop forever GOSUB getcode 'get remote signal code DEBUG ?receive 'display which code was pressed 'and then perform an action SELECT receive CASE 770 'up button pressed FOR x = 0 TO 25 PULSOUT 14, 750-150 PULSOUT 15, 750+150 PAUSE 20 NEXT CASE 962 'down button pressed FOR x = 0 TO 25 PULSOUT 14, 750+150 PULSOUT 15, 750-150 PAUSE 20 NEXT CASE 834 'left button pressed FOR x = 0 TO 25 PULSOUT 14, 750+150 PULSOUT 15, 750+150 PAUSE 20 NEXT CASE 898 'right button pressed FOR x = 0 TO 25 PULSOUT 14, 750-150 PULSOUT 15, 750-150 PAUSE 20 NEXT CASE 850 'power button pressed END CASE 594 'mute button pressed FREQOUT 1, 750, 1046 'C FREQOUT 1, 750, 1567 'G FREQOUT 1, 250, 1396 'F FREQOUT 1, 250, 1318 'E FREQOUT 1, 250, 1174 'D FREQOUT 1, 700, 2092 'C FREQOUT 1, 700, 1567 'G FREQOUT 1, 250, 1396 'F FREQOUT 1, 250, 1318 'E FREQOUT 1, 250, 1174 'D FREQOUT 1, 700, 2092 'C FREQOUT 1, 700, 1567 'G FREQOUT 1, 250, 1396 'F FREQOUT 1, 250, 1318 'E FREQOUT 1, 250, 1396 'F FREQOUT 1, 700, 1174 'D CASE 930 'enter button pressed END CASE 930 endcase: END ENDSELECT: LOOP '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'subroutine for scanning for remote signal ' ' do not change ' ' ' ' hook up IR receiver to pin 0 ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' getcode: RECEIVE VAR Word COPY VAR Word IR_IN CON 0 'change this number IR_Pin VAR IN0 'and this number buffer VAR Word(4) x VAR Byte bitcount VAR Nib beats VAR Nib ' spender VAR Bit 'max copy = receive ' spender = 0 wait_for_clear: IF IR_PIN = 0 THEN wait_for_clear IF IR_PIN = 0 THEN wait_for_clear IF IR_PIN = 0 THEN wait_for_clear IF IR_PIN = 0 THEN wait_for_clear IF IR_PIN = 0 THEN wait_for_clear wait_for_signal: IF IR_PIN = 1 THEN wait_for_signal ' why can't this be a part of the for loop? ' is it a timing problem? when I remove all of these ' and make them part of the for loop, it no longer reads all ' 64 bits, even though the foor loop goes from 1 to 63 ' (i manually read the first one) buffer.BIT0(0) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(1) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(2) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(3) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(4) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(5) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(6) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(7) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(8) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(9) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(10) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(11) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(12) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(13) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(14) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(15) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(16) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(17) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(18) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(19) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(20) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(21) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(22) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(23) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(24) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(25) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(26) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(27) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(28) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(29) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(30) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(31) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(32) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(33) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(34) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(35) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(36) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(37) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(38) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(39) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(40) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(41) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(42) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(43) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(44) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(45) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(46) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(47) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(48) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(49) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(50) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(51) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(52) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(53) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(54) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(55) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(56) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(57) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(58) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(59) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(60) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(61) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(62) = ~IR_PIN buffer.BIT0(63) = ~IR_PIN receive = 0 bitcount = 0 cutoff CON 3 'length of pulse to count as 1 FOR x = 1 TO 63 ' why does this break when the following line and the buffer negations are removed? ' is this just to spend a clock cycle? I tried removing the tildes and spending the ' clock cycle a different way, and it didn't work buffer.BIT0(x) = ~buffer.BIT0(x) IF buffer.BIT0(x) = 1 THEN IF buffer.BIT0(x-1) = 0 THEN DEBUG "0 to 1, end of pulse.", CR '0 to 1 transition (end of pulse) beats = (beats - cutoff) >> 15 DEBUG "Shifted beats: ", DEC beats, " BIN: ", BIN beats,CR receive = (receive << 1) | beats DEBUG "Received: ", DEC receive, " BIN: ", BIN receive, CR bitcount = bitcount + 1 DEBUG "Bitcount: ", DEC bitcount, " BIN: ", BIN bitcount, CR ENDIF ELSE DEBUG "Low. Beats: ", DEC beats, CR 'pulse... count beats IF buffer.BIT0(x-1) = 1 THEN DEBUG "1 to 0, reset beats.", CR beats = 0 ENDIF beats = beats + 1 'add a beat ENDIF NEXT ' no idea why this is necessary receive = ~(receive << (16 - bitcount & 15)) receive = receive >> 6 IF receive <> copy THEN getcode 'make sure code is received properly RETURN
It just outputs the length of the received pulse. However, no matter what button is pressed on the remote, the SAME output seems to be generated. There's always something with in the range of 1200 and 1275, then something within the range of 300 and 400. For example, tapping left, up, right, down, generates this code:
(left tapped)
(up tapped)
(right tapped)
etc, etc.
There's no discernable pattern emerging based on the button pressed. What gives? It's as if that bitwise code I posted (given to us from HQ) works some kind of strange hocus-pocus on the numbers to create order from chaos.
Up- 220,460,700,900
now you can see that both of these a relatively the same, there are two below and two above 500, but if you continue reading the bits sent in ull notice that there will be one where it is high then 500 and one lower then 500. Continue reading the PDF and see if you figure anything out.