Can it DO that?
Posts: 24
I'm trying to make my BASIC STAMP II execute a sequence of commands such as Light an LED for 1.3 seconds, turn a servo 180 degrees, and then sound a buzzer. But I can't find out how to do that! The book only tells you how execute commands for SERVOs and nothing else. Does anyone know how to do that?
It's called "Robotic's with the boe bot" here:
Though you may want to take a look at
"What's a microcontroller" here:
If you still have troubles with the examples in the book, I'm sure we'd all be more than happy to help you.
Welcome to the forum!
The Stampworks documentation has example programs and circuits to (separately) do all three steps of that task you described. However, it would be up to you to combine what you learn from each example into a single program and circuit.
I wouldn't connect that if I were you...
Vive Le Tour!
July 1 - July 23
I didn't know you could just download those.