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Quick atan2 using integer math — Parallax Forums

Quick atan2 using integer math

M. K. BorriM. K. Borri Posts: 279
edited 2006-07-30 10:36 in Propeller 1
Not sure if it's worth using this rather than floating point, but here it is anyway. Might be good if you're doing GPS related stuff and want a function of reasonable precision that doesn't call any libraries.
'' These two are probably useful for GPS stuff (that's what I wrote them for anyway)
'' By

PUB CoordsToDist(x1,y1,x2,y2) | xx, yy, dist
'' this is a fast dirty sqrt that takes in two pairs of coordinates and returns
'' a distance, in tenths of whatever unit we used for the input, rounded.  First XY
'' pair is origin and second XY pair is destination. If this is used with a 2D
'' velocity vector, it returns the speed -- use CoordsToDegs(0,0,VelX,VelY).
   xx := (x2 - x1) * 10
   yy := (y2 - x1) * 10

   dist := ^^(xx * xx + yy * yy)+5/10
   return dist
PUB CoordsToDegs(x1,y1,x2,y2) | xx, yy, absyy, absxx, div, quadrant, theta
'' this is a fast dirty atan2 that takes in two pairs of coordinates and returns
'' a value in tenths of a degree, rounded. First XY pair is origin and second XY pair is
'' destination. This is accurate to within 0.2 degrees. If this is used with a 2D velocity vector,
'' it returns the heading -- use CoordsToDegs(0,0,VelX,VelY).

   xx := (x2 - x1)
   yy := (y2 - x1)
' first off handle special cases, for efficiency
   if (xx == 0)
       if (yy == 0)
          return -1     ' unable to determine heading since nothing is happening
       if (yy > 0)
          return 0
          return 1800
   if (yy == 0)
       if (xx > 0)
          return 900
          return 2700
   absyy := || yy ' same as rounding, well almost
   absxx := || xx ' same as rounding, well almost

   if absxx == absyy
      theta := 450000
   if absxx < absyy
      div := || (((absxx*1000)/absyy))
      theta := (div*608+500) - (div*div*157+500000)/1000
   if absxx > absyy
      div := || (((absyy*1000)/absxx))
      theta := (900000) - ((div*608+500) - (div*div*157+500000)/1000)

   if ((xx > 0) and (yy > 0))
      quadrant := 0
   if ((xx > 0) and (yy < 0))
      quadrant := 1
   if ((xx < 0) and (yy < 0))
      quadrant := 2
   if ((xx < 0) and (yy > 0))
      quadrant := 3

   theta := (theta/1000 + ( 900 * quadrant) )
   return theta


  • M. K. BorriM. K. Borri Posts: 279
    edited 2006-07-25 17:33
    eesh, brain fart.... here, try this [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    question -- is it faster to do it this way, or using floating point?

    PUB CoordsToDist(x1,y1,x2,y2) | xx, yy, dist
    '' this is a fast dirty sqrt that takes in two pairs of coordinates and returns
    '' a distance, in tenths of whatever unit we used for the input, rounded.  First XY
    '' pair is origin and second XY pair is destination. If this is used with a 2D
    '' velocity vector, it returns the speed -- use CoordsToDegs(0,0,VelX,VelY).
       xx := (x2 - x1) * 1000
       yy := (y2 - y1) * 1000
       dist := (^^((xx * xx) + (yy * yy))+50)/100
       return dist
    PUB CoordsToDegs(x1,y1,x2,y2) | xx, yy, absyy, absxx, div, quadrant, theta
    '' this is a fast dirty atan2 that takes in two pairs of coordinates and returns
    '' a value in tenths of a degree, rounded. First XY pair is origin and second XY pair is
    '' destination. This is accurate to within 0.2 degrees. If this is used with a 2D velocity vector,
    '' it returns the heading -- use CoordsToDegs(0,0,VelX,VelY).
       xx := (x2 - x1)
       yy := (y2 - y1)
    ' first off handle special cases, for efficiency
       if (xx == 0)
           if (yy == 0)
              return -1     ' unable to determine heading since nothing is happening
           if (yy > 0)
              return 2700
              return 0
       if (yy == 0)
           if (xx > 0)
              return 900
              return 2700
       absyy := || yy 
       absxx := || xx
       if ((absxx > 65532) or (absyy > 65532)) ' 65532 is the maximum number this thing can handle... not 35, 32, i checked 
            absxx := absxx / 2
            absyy := absyy / 2
          while ((absxx > 65532) or (absyy > 65532))
       if absxx == absyy
          theta := 450000
       if absxx < absyy
          div := || (((absxx*1000)/absyy))
          theta := (div*608+500) - (div*div*157+500000)/1000
       if absxx > absyy
          div := || (((absyy*1000)/absxx))
          theta := (900000) - ((div*608+500) - (div*div*157+500000)/1000)
       if ((xx > 0) and (yy > 0))
          quadrant := 0
       if ((xx > 0) and (yy < 0))
          quadrant := 1
       if ((xx < 0) and (yy < 0))
          quadrant := 2
       if ((xx < 0) and (yy > 0))
          quadrant := 3
       theta := ((theta+500)/1000 + ( 900 * quadrant) + 2700 ) // 3600
       return theta
  • camtcamt Posts: 45
    edited 2006-07-28 14:51
    Regarding the timing: A floating point Atan2(40.0, 40.0) takes 184 usec compared to a CoordsToDegs(0,0,40,40) which takes 268 usec. If you include two additional floating point subtracts, the timing is almost identical.

    The floating point routines have significantly more range and also more accuracy which can be very important in GPS applications.·Note: the floating point routines·use ccw angle directions·and radians rather than degrees (as with most math libraries). Radians can easily be converted to degrees for display (the library included functions for conversion).

    Also note: the last posted version of CoordsToDist has very limited range (less than 47x47 units) before 32-bit integer overflow occurs. e.g. CoordToDist(0,0,46,46) = 651, but CoordToDist(0,0,47,47) = 111 (overflow). You may want to go back to multiplying by 10 instead of 1000 inside the routine to extend the range.

    Cam Thompson
    Micromega Corporation
  • M. K. BorriM. K. Borri Posts: 279
    edited 2006-07-28 21:46
    Thanks.... I have a lot to learn [noparse]:)[/noparse] the problem is that the atan2 that we have in the math libraries needs its own cog (two cogs, I think, actually) to run on. I'm probably going to do this atan2 with floats. I can only use four cogs for navigation tops.
  • camtcamt Posts: 45
    edited 2006-07-29 00:57

    You're right about the 2 cogs for ATAN2. The floating point library is organized as 1 cog for the most common functions, but a second cog is required for extra functions including ATAN2. For a custom application it might be possible to cut and paste routines into a single cog, since all of the floating point routines in Float32 and Float32A are written as callable ASM routines, but with only 512 longs per cog if you use lots of functions you eventually need the 2nd cog.


    Cam Thompson
    Micromega Corporation
  • M. K. BorriM. K. Borri Posts: 279
    edited 2006-07-30 10:36
    We're using a propeller for autopiloting a RC plane, however, we can only use four cogs for navigation (one is taken by reading the GPS and writing to the telemetry, one for generating servo pulses) because the other four are for the plane's payload. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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