loading stampdaq
I have a computer that does not have internet access that I would like to use for stampdaq. Is there a way to load the program via a writeable cd? On a different computer I have tried to write to a cd straight from the on line site as well as from the file in 'my downloads'. It says 'incorrect function' when I try to send the file to the cd writer. I did the following - My computer - Downloads - Stampdaq - send to - Drive E. Am I doing something wrong or does·the program·have to go from the parallax site directly to the computer for the install? Yes I know the obvious solution is to connect the computer to the internet but for a variety of reasons that can't be done. While I am at it is it necessary to have the stamp programing software installed in the computer to run stampdaq or does it reside soly in excel?
As for running StampDAQ, it requires Excel to run, since it is an Excel add-in. It won't work apart fron Excel. You don't need the BS2 IDE, except to program your BS2 for your intended usage.
I have StampDAQ on the computer I use for writing programs and for testing. The project will be used at another location on a different computer. Transfering StampDAQ to CD is what I have not been able to do. I get the message "incorrect function" when I try to burn the CD. I can burn other things so I know the CD Writer is okay. I tried to burn from the StampDAQ that was already in the computer and couldn't. I went to the Parallax site and tried to download directly to CD, and could not do it. I then downloaded again and tried to burn it without having run install first. Same message. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
What type of CDs are you using?
I bought a spindle of CDs once that worked fine...for half the spindle. I had to buy a different brand, which worked fine.
My CRWriter is apparently having an intermitent problem. I thought it was okay as it copied fine when I tested it. Later when I was making some CDs sometimes it worked and others it wouldn't. It gave different reasons for not working - not accesable, no CD in drive, wrong application and then it would be okay. I reseated all the boards and plugs to no avail.·Anyway I got the copy I needed. Not that it matters at this point but I am running XP and using Memorex CDs. I too learned a long time ago that cutting corners and costs can be the same as cutting your throat.
Thanks for the response
Now I try to use Verbatim, or some other CD-R with a blue under-surface.
Signed: The voice of experience ;^)
Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
Post Edited (Tom Walker) : 7/25/2006 1:18:57 PM GMT
StampDAQ is loaded in the orphin computer and is running fine so far.