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Just ordered a Propeller Dev Board, Font Question — Parallax Forums

Just ordered a Propeller Dev Board, Font Question

DavidMDavidM Posts: 626
edited 2006-07-20 09:31 in Propeller 1

I have decided to dive into the world of electronics ( programing) !

I have decided to learn the Propeller Chip instead of the basic stamp Series,

some reasons for my choice were,

a) I now have a PC ( I am a MAC user and there is software only for the basic stamp)
b) I can write code ( I am a 4D developer , the SPIN language is similar to 4D)
c) I know a little about electronics but I have been interested for a long time to learn more.
d) I have some electronic hardware projects to develop to work with my 4D Applications.
e) Possible MAC version of SPIN in the near future ( Hint, Hint !)
f) I am hoping that my 4D programming skills will help greatly with the PROPELLER CHIP.

My first project is to interface my existing project with an LCD module, navigation Buttons and serial coms with the ROUGUE Robotics uMP3 Player for direct control.

So far, I currently have a prototype of this working perfectly and fully controllable via MAC using a 4D application that I wrote and doing this wirelessly with a pair of AEROCOMM 900 MHz modems. The device synchronizes two audio tracks at separate locations.

I have installed the SPIN Application on my PC , played with it a little, and now I am just waiting for my Propeller dev board which should arrive next week.

Question 1) I have noticed that some characters ( IN SPIN) are hard to read , Is there a way to change the fonts/colours/styles via preferences? or is it just my crappy CRT?

Question 2) In regards to naming variables/sub routines etc, coming from a 4D background I normally use long and descriptive names, I believe that SPIN has a max of 32 characters for this, Is there any time differences in using longer names? i.e in compiled mode? are these all "tokenized"?


Dave M


  • GadgetmanGadgetman Posts: 2,436
    edited 2006-07-20 09:31
    1. It's probably your CRT, as they look OK on my Apple iBook...
    (I'm running the Propeller tool on WinXP in a GuestPC session. It's sloooow, but it runs)
    Changeing the font is not a good idea as it has been designed for this application, and very few other fonts have electronic symbols in them... (It's nice to be able to draw schematics in the source. Very nice in fact. )

    2. There are no differences in time with short vs long variable names.
    (Yes, they are all tokenized)

    Don't visit my new website...
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