multiple 74165 shift registers
I am trying to increase my digital input by ganging together 3 74165 parellel to serial shift registers.· I need to read the data in three seperate bytes. When I read the manual on the shiftin method, it says it only returns the last 16 bits, this would mean I loose the first 8 bits.
If I want to put them three bytes in three seperate variables, do I need to have three seperate shiftin statements?· From what I can tell, I can connect the 74165s together, load them all at the same time, clock them all together, then just do three seperate shiftin statements with 8 clock cycles each.
Does this sound correct or is there an easier way to accomplish this?
If I want to put them three bytes in three seperate variables, do I need to have three seperate shiftin statements?· From what I can tell, I can connect the 74165s together, load them all at the same time, clock them all together, then just do three seperate shiftin statements with 8 clock cycles each.
Does this sound correct or is there an easier way to accomplish this?
There is a 74165 class here:
regards peter