Serial VFD graphics
Posts: 35
Is there an easier way to generate the DATA file for creating graphics on the Parallax Serial VFD? Something like the LCD custom character creator but instead for graphic displays.·Draw what you want and it will generate the Data file with a press of a button.
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He who dies with the most toys wins!
·· While there is no program to help you create the data statements, the reason they are listed in binary in the examples is because I found it easier to enter them that way while following a piece of graph paper.· Here's what you do...
·· Take a piece of graph paper (smaller than 1/4" size lines) and section off a 112X16 pixel area and draw dots where you want pixels and leave the others alone.· Now if you read the paper from top to bottom, left to right, you can enter the DATA statements the way I did.· Two bytes will be one column of pixels.· Put a 1 for each pixel and a 0 where there isn't one.
So if the picture has 3 pixels in the first column from the top going down and the rest are not filled in you would enter, DATA %11100000, %00000000 I hope this helps.· We will be releasing an AppNote on this very soon which should have a better explanation with pictures to help explain.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support