Servo Control
···· I would like to if the SX chips are·able to control a servo with a pot? I·usually use the BS2 for most projects but I am going to buy this ··SX tool kit would this provide a good·start? Thanks for any advice..·
···· I would like to if the SX chips are·able to control a servo with a pot? I·usually use the BS2 for most projects but I am going to buy this ··SX tool kit would this provide a good·start? Thanks for any advice..·
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"Remember, you are unique, just like everyone else." Unknown.
The PULSOUT command has 10uSec resolution not matter what the clock speed.
So "PULSOUT Servo, 150" will generate a 1.5mSec pulse which should center the servo.
· PULSOUT Servo, 150
· PAUSE 20
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"Remember, you are unique, just like everyone else." Unknown.
Does the SX use RCtime to read a pot or some other command I cant seem to find it in the manual..
SX/B has the RCTIME command.
There isn't a manual for SX/B (that I know of).
The help file has all the commands and examples in it.
From the IDE choose "HELP" from the top menu then choose "SX/B HELP"
Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·
Low power SD Data Logger
"Remember, you are unique, just like everyone else." Unknown.
From a practical standpoint, your routine in the loop would have to get pretty long before the servo has enough time to drift very far. I also belive this "problem" is gone if you use "digital" servos.
John R.
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