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VGA connector not working on Prop Stick wire up. — Parallax Forums

VGA connector not working on Prop Stick wire up.

T&E EngineerT&E Engineer Posts: 1,396
edited 2006-07-18 02:39 in Propeller 1
I have the TV video working fine on my breadboarded Prop Stick. I thought I would try the VGA output now. I followed the Propeller Demo Board schematic for the TV out, LEDs out and the VGA out. However after running a couple of the VGA "Demo" programs (vga_text_demo.spin and vga_hires_text_demo.spin) I get a blank monitor screen. I tried 2 different monitors. The wiring is pretty straightforward so it looks correct. However, I did not have any 240 ohm resistors so I used (2) 120 ohm resistors (Radio Shack - 5%). I had plenty of the 470 ohm resistors. I see that the grounds are in 3 sets (pins 8,7 and 6), (pin 10) and (pin 5). I had a cable with 8 wires so I used 3 for these ground sets and the remaining 5 were for the V, H, B, G and R connections.

Is there anything I should look for troubleshooting outside of what I have described above?


I got it working! I hooked up a meter to the V, H, B, G and R pins for a continuity test to the breadboard. The V was on the right side (pin 12) not on the left side (pin 14)·and the·H was not making good contact with the solderless breadboard. The R, G and B were good.

Very impressive sharp graphics on my 50" Sony TV - VGA connector.

It's so amazing that this VGA display·is NOT coming from a PC.

Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 7/18/2006 3:08:53 AM GMT
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