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you guys make this too easy! — Parallax Forums

you guys make this too easy!

hutdonhutdon Posts: 32
edited 2006-07-23 02:48 in General Discussion
I seldom post but I had to congratulate you guys on a project I completed in less than 15 minutes! My brother owns a machine shop and was telling me the other day he needed to find the actual spindle RPM of one of his mills. I remembered a blurb form Ken Gracy a few months ago on doing exactly that. Sure enough he provides the circuit and BS2 program for a mill RPM indicator. I didn't want to use a $40 BS2 when I had a couple of the SX-48 project boards handy. Also I had a handful of·Terry Hitt's·4 digit SPI displays. Erasing the 'main' block of code in the Terry's SX display example and replacing with 3 lines from Ken's program plus 2 declarations and the thing worked the first time in less than 15 minutes!! This was also using a completely different Hall Effect device but wired identically to Ken's circuit. It's going to take me longer to mount the thing in a case. Nothing has worked that easy and quick before!


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-07-16 03:24
    Cool. Get a couple pictures and post it in the projects forum.


    Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger

    "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess" The Red Green Show
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,389
    edited 2006-07-16 04:27

    That's fantastic. Now that SX/B has come this far, I wouldn't use a BS2 for that project either. Your message is just a reminder to me that I need to get some more machining time in! Seems that lately we've had too many other projects at Parallax. I've been dreaming of building another robot for over a year now.

    Did you find that the magnet had to be mounted really close to the MX90217 sensor? Did you mount the magnet on the top of the spindle?

  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2006-07-16 12:23
    The wonderful thing about SX/B and SPIN is that you have BOTH a high level language for quick deployment and an Assembler for nitty-gritty stuff. Things get build while you are learning how to improve the firmware.

    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that my only need for C is to read examples from other manufacturer devices that I want to import into an SX or a Propeller.

    Bean's displays are a real bargin. I just went shopping for some 2"x3" printed circuit boards in a small quantity [noparse][[/noparse]about 25] and the prices for the boards alone would be more than the whole device!

    "If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
    ···················· Tropical regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
  • hutdonhutdon Posts: 32
    edited 2006-07-16 22:57
    I had some tiny (maybe 1/4 inch diameter) but really powerful magnets I got from Electronic Goldmine. With my test setup I could get the magnet approximately an inch away from the Hall device. I haven't mounted on the mill yet - I still working on the case. To try it out I put a screwdriver bit in one end of a plastic drinking straw, chucked it into my cordless drill and jammed the magnet in the other end. The drill said maximum 700 RPM and guess what the display said? With a fresh charge on the battery - 720. As soon as I get the case finished I'll try to take some pics and post them. Again I want to thank Ken and Terry for what I've told my brother is this major accomplishment that I've spent days on. I'll tell him the truth - in a few days!
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2006-07-17 02:48
    One thing I learned the hard way...Never tell on yourself...
    Of course I guess it's really more bragging if you say you did it in a couple minutes...
    Then you might run into the problem I have at my work...Do something once, and you're expected to do it all the time...

    Pictures...Pictures...We want pictures...


    Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·

    Low power SD Data Logger

    "I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess" The Red Green Show
  • LynnLynn Posts: 33
    edited 2006-07-18 22:41
    Your project sound just like the one I am working on.
    I would like to see pictures also, and how you modified the code.

  • hutdonhutdon Posts: 32
    edited 2006-07-23 02:48
    I've been out of town for a few days and still haven't got the proto board and display in a case that I like but I have posted what I've got and and the sx/b code in the projects forum. Enjoy - Don
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