Increasing COG RAM beyond 512 longs.
Posts: 12,537
I was just wondering if someone has come up with a way to extend beyond the 512 longs in a cog.· Seems to me that you could 'borrow' another Cog and have it sacrafice itself to just extending RAM to the first Cog.
This would mean that a particularly ambitious Cog program could always find a way to survive.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
This would mean that a particularly ambitious Cog program could always find a way to survive.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
···················· Tropical regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan