Soldering Station Time Controller
HI, EveryOne
This is a project that i have been working on for awhile
The POST was RFID Parallax Module and a DS1302 And different routine for each card
And i am calling it Soldering Station Time Controller
Now the Reason for doing this project is that i would· be using my Soldering Station and my Wife or my son
would call me to do something for her or i go looking for someting and then for get that i left it·ON so i
need something to turn it OFF for me if
The reason that i use a card reader to turn it·ON was because of my son he could not turn it on and
play with it and i did not want to use switches to set the amout of time
I am Posting the Code In Case some want to use it there ·project
The main board is Radio Shack bread board· they might not carry Any More
The Relay is a 9 Volt @ 30m amps·coil 10 amp contacks
The LEDS are from Radio Shack ....They don't carry these Any More
The Tranformer from Radio Shack 120 volts to 12 volt· 300 ma part # N\A
BS2 OEM kit from Parallax
RFID Reader and Rounds Cards The card reader has its own 5 volt Reg
The um2803 driver· from Parallax
The DS1302 and parts from Parallax
The Out Let and also the··4 X·4 X 4 Elec Box was from LOWES
The Tranformer and Relay in the Elec Box
Power Cord ·from the Dollar Store
The box is a Shado Box
They are having fun !!!!!!!!!
This is a project that i have been working on for awhile
The POST was RFID Parallax Module and a DS1302 And different routine for each card
And i am calling it Soldering Station Time Controller
Now the Reason for doing this project is that i would· be using my Soldering Station and my Wife or my son
would call me to do something for her or i go looking for someting and then for get that i left it·ON so i
need something to turn it OFF for me if
The reason that i use a card reader to turn it·ON was because of my son he could not turn it on and
play with it and i did not want to use switches to set the amout of time
I am Posting the Code In Case some want to use it there ·project
The main board is Radio Shack bread board· they might not carry Any More
The Relay is a 9 Volt @ 30m amps·coil 10 amp contacks
The LEDS are from Radio Shack ....They don't carry these Any More
The Tranformer from Radio Shack 120 volts to 12 volt· 300 ma part # N\A
BS2 OEM kit from Parallax
RFID Reader and Rounds Cards The card reader has its own 5 volt Reg
The um2803 driver· from Parallax
The DS1302 and parts from Parallax
The Out Let and also the··4 X·4 X 4 Elec Box was from LOWES
The Tranformer and Relay in the Elec Box
Power Cord ·from the Dollar Store
The box is a Shado Box
