SX Coffee Roaster
Finally got revision 1 of the coffee roaster put together last night. This version does not have PID like I wanted because I ran out of code
space on the sx28. This version does not have all of the bells & whistles I want and it basically is ON/OFF control for the heater.
The other thing I need to work on is the LCD display.. it was updating so fast it was illegible.
You can see in the pics how things are wired up, I split the feed for the heater and put it on the SSR, the SX tech board then drives
the SSR and uses a DS2760 for the thermocouple.
The big green "thing" is a Salton popcorn popper. These are typical for home coffee roasters for small batches. with a non-modded one
I can roast enough coffee for a pot in about 3 1/2 minutes. The problem with roasting so quickly is that the acid stays high and the flavors
don't develop as much. Hence the sx28 mod.
I have it set now to bring temp up from room temperature to 150C, then up to 180 and hold for 3 minutes, then to 195
and hold for 3 minutes then up to 212 and hold for 4 minutes. Then it shuts down the SSR and just lets the fan run in the popper to cool down.
The LCD displays temp as it goes and at the end shows total elapsed time.
The buttons on the LCD are (from left to right) Add Time, Subtract Time,Start, ABORT
Yes, that is my BOEBOT providing power to the SXtech board as I left my wallwart at work
(you can also see my next project.. anybody wanna help?)
All of the little "flakes" you see are the chaff from the coffee bean. As it heats up and expands the skin/chaff comes off and gets blown all over the
place by the roaster
The beans are starting to brown as the sugars begin to caramelize. I really need to poke a hole
through the side and put in a thermowell for the thermocouple.
Hard to tell because of the flash, but it shows TEMP: 165
Beans are starting to darken.. This is approaching what is called First Crack. The coffee sounds like
Rice Crispies on steroids.. water in the beans turns to steam and starts to fracture the cellulose walls.. This is just about where the roaster shuts down
and begins its cool-down cycle. YUM YUM coffee!
Still lots to do, but boy does it feel good to finally have a project semi-completed.. or at least working. I still need to mount things in an enclosure.
I dont mind the open SSR too much, but it really needs to be covered. might need a heat sink too. I also dont like everything getting covered in chaff.
And roasting produces copious amounts of smoke. I also really need to slow down the updates to the LCD and want to get my PID routines in place.. so.. more to come!
stay tuned, same time, same channel!
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Post Edited (Dunnsept) : 7/6/2006 1:14:49 PM GMT
space on the sx28. This version does not have all of the bells & whistles I want and it basically is ON/OFF control for the heater.
The other thing I need to work on is the LCD display.. it was updating so fast it was illegible.
You can see in the pics how things are wired up, I split the feed for the heater and put it on the SSR, the SX tech board then drives
the SSR and uses a DS2760 for the thermocouple.
The big green "thing" is a Salton popcorn popper. These are typical for home coffee roasters for small batches. with a non-modded one
I can roast enough coffee for a pot in about 3 1/2 minutes. The problem with roasting so quickly is that the acid stays high and the flavors
don't develop as much. Hence the sx28 mod.
I have it set now to bring temp up from room temperature to 150C, then up to 180 and hold for 3 minutes, then to 195
and hold for 3 minutes then up to 212 and hold for 4 minutes. Then it shuts down the SSR and just lets the fan run in the popper to cool down.
The LCD displays temp as it goes and at the end shows total elapsed time.
The buttons on the LCD are (from left to right) Add Time, Subtract Time,Start, ABORT
Yes, that is my BOEBOT providing power to the SXtech board as I left my wallwart at work
All of the little "flakes" you see are the chaff from the coffee bean. As it heats up and expands the skin/chaff comes off and gets blown all over the
place by the roaster
through the side and put in a thermowell for the thermocouple.
Rice Crispies on steroids.. water in the beans turns to steam and starts to fracture the cellulose walls.. This is just about where the roaster shuts down
and begins its cool-down cycle. YUM YUM coffee!
Still lots to do, but boy does it feel good to finally have a project semi-completed.. or at least working. I still need to mount things in an enclosure.
I dont mind the open SSR too much, but it really needs to be covered. might need a heat sink too. I also dont like everything getting covered in chaff.
And roasting produces copious amounts of smoke. I also really need to slow down the updates to the LCD and want to get my PID routines in place.. so.. more to come!
stay tuned, same time, same channel!
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Post Edited (Dunnsept) : 7/6/2006 1:14:49 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
the SSR is a Watlow 25A that I borrowed from one of my watlow temp controllers. no, it didn't even get warm, but it doesn't hurt to put a sink on it.
"interesting project"? is that as in: WOW interesting.. or "what the? why on earth would anybody do something as ridiculous as that?" I guess it only really becomes interesting when you are a coffee geek/addict like I am
Also this project is a prelude to the next.. a RIMS brewing setup. RIMS = Recirculating Infusion Mash System. The SX will control mash temperature, flow and whatever other parameters I find to control
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Post Edited (Dunnsept) : 7/6/2006 3:11:34 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
once you get started, there's no stopping. the coffee is so much better. when I first started roasting my own coffee, my wife thought I was an idiot (still does btw) but now she's mad at me if I dont roast often enough. The major problem with this is that "regular" coffee just tastes nasty.
anyway.. no the cursor is off. I think part of the problem with the display is also how I am calculating the temp. the ds2760 returns 12bits for the temp, but on the SX I have to split it up into 2 bytes. I then have to sort of cobble things around trying to display correctly AND make comparisons with 2 bytes.
Without problems it can go up into the 180/190 range and displays just fine, but when the temp goes above about 220 it starts display odd characters. That's one of the other things I have to fix. I'm going to put a few pauses in just to see the display better and see what's coming out and then go from there on the fix for it.
Obviously this would have been easier on a stamp since I could have just used words. sure can't wait for the next version of SX/B with word support, would make these types of projects so much easier.
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Post Edited (Dunnsept) : 7/6/2006 3:29:57 PM GMT
any chance of a code post?
Cool idea!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Yours, TDP, ml, msl, & pfpp
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
I was just looking to fit it into the SX28 along with the rest of his app.
Yours, TDP
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Yours, TDP, ml, msl, & pfpp
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
then raise temp up, hold for a while, raise again and hold for a while to allow the sugars to caramelize (I think this is around 390F bean temp)
I had a post in the SX forum the other day about my code. Bean answered that first my SUB declarations were in the wrong spot and then the other error I was getting (same memory location will be overwritten) was due to being out of space.
let me re-write my temp routines with word vars and I'll go from there. I probably don't really need "full PID" but was putting it in just for the hell of it. P would probably be enough although the heater does react very quickly, I and maybe D .. who knows..
time to play around and find out!
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!
Post Edited (bsparky) : 7/17/2006 11:55:51 PM GMT
bsparky: There are two coils inside the popper. One provides the majority of the heat for popping (roasting) and the other mainly provides voltage drop for the fan. The fan stays on all the time as does the small heating element because of the voltage drop. The fan is somewhere around 24V, and is DC. I am only controlling the larger heating element. There are a couple ways to do this too. I split the wiring harness apart to do mine but there are others with instructions online who have used the thermal overload switch as theirs. I think I'd rather leave the overload in place even though I do have code in place to shutdown if temp goes too high.
I've been without power at home for a few days and haven't touched the code, now that it's back on, I'll clean up the code and post it along with a crude schematic. With just the on/off control now, temp fluctuates about 5-10 degrees above and below setpoint.
stand back! I have a slide rule and I know how to use it!