Does anyone have any suggestions for determining the kinematic equations relating robot motion to wheel motion?
For instance, if given a desired velocity and rotational speed, what pulse durations would you send to the servos?
· I've had some time, so I've been experimenting with the two servos that Parallax sells,·a "standard" and a "continuous". · The "continous" is a "standard" that's had its mechanical stop removed and will turn like a motor.· Regarding same, the speed is governed by how quickly you send it pulses, so you could make it chunk like a stepper motor (1/min) or you could max it out with a fast rep-rate (there's a top end on that, too, I'm sure.)· There's an angle(deg)/pulse, but I guess that'll vary unit-to-unit; not widely so, but nonetheless.· [noparse][[/noparse]We're not talking "Sizzlers" or anything here.] · Post Edit -- With this program (in a BS2), I'm counting 24·steps / rotation (15DEGs/pulse): ·
value = 500
PULSOUT 14, (value/2)
· The "continous" is a "standard" that's had its mechanical stop removed and will turn like a motor.· Regarding same, the speed is governed by how quickly you send it pulses, so you could make it chunk like a stepper motor (1/min) or you could max it out with a fast rep-rate (there's a top end on that, too, I'm sure.)· There's an angle(deg)/pulse, but I guess that'll vary unit-to-unit; not widely so, but nonetheless.· [noparse][[/noparse]We're not talking "Sizzlers" or anything here.]
· Post Edit -- With this program (in a BS2), I'm counting 24·steps / rotation (15DEGs/pulse):
· [noparse][[/noparse]SCU = Santa Clara?]
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 7/6/2006 12:37:56 AM GMT