Hi folks
Several months ago, I purchased and installed the EMIC text to speech module and have been having great fun with it.· However, at the time, all that was available was the "female" voice version.·I did install this into my "male" robot and used the module's ability to change pitch and speed to approximate a more "male" sounding voice.·
However, I was just looking at the Parallax site and noticed they now carry a "male" EMIC board.· This would be ideal.· My question is: is it possible to alter the module I currently have to make it "male" sounding?· I was thinking their might perhaps be a firmware update or other programming.·
Several months ago, I purchased and installed the EMIC text to speech module and have been having great fun with it.· However, at the time, all that was available was the "female" voice version.·I did install this into my "male" robot and used the module's ability to change pitch and speed to approximate a more "male" sounding voice.·
However, I was just looking at the Parallax site and noticed they now carry a "male" EMIC board.· This would be ideal.· My question is: is it possible to alter the module I currently have to make it "male" sounding?· I was thinking their might perhaps be a firmware update or other programming.·
·· There is no firmware upgrade to do what you ask.· The Winbond Chip (the larger chip) on the board is what contains the Male or Female voice data.· That is not an easy thing to change.· You'd probably be better off just getting a different module for this project and use the other for something else.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It seems that gender, regional accent and the nationality of the listener all influence the reaction to an electronic voice. My sat-nav has a female southern English voice (I call her Veronica) and I find her directions are given in a calming way. But German men seem to deliberate ignore or challenge female voiced sat-navs (see above research). I quite like my female Californian EMIC but have not heard the male voiced module yet.
I guess you need to choose your EMIC voice gender·and tune its pitch according to the purpose of the voice output.
I'd be interested in other members preferences for electronic voices, which are being incorporated into more and more consumer products.
Isle of Man, British Isles
We added the male to give a variety to our customers.
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
Which chip are you speaking of?· Did you mean you can purchase the EMIC with the designated voice or that the three voices you mentioned are contained on one chip?· If that is the case, I return to my first question and that would be how to change to the "male" voice?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support