Checking Time
Posts: 171
I need to check the time (hours, min, sec for military 24-hour format) or (hours, min, sec, AM/PM 12-hour format) from a STAMP BS2. Can this be done in BS2 code or does an external chip need to be used. If an external clock chip is needed, what are the options? Thanks.
The STAMP doesn't have an internal time clock as such.· There are options.· One is a DS1302 IC, sold by·.· Another is·the "Pocket Watch"-B from·.·
·· There just happens to be an example schematic and code for using the DS1302 with the BS2 at the following links.· Both 12-hour and 24-hour (military) formats are supported.· I hope this helps.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The schematic for the DS 1302 IC shows a backup Super Cap or NiCad battery. I did not see any such back-up devices mentioned in the "Pocket Watch"-B module's data sheet.
Is power backup built into the "Pocket Watch"-B module? Do you have to add it? If so, how?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The PocketWatch-B uses asynch. serial interface and it's, to me, a lot easier to deal with, but the DS1302 has the battery-backup at the ready.