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Building a Microcontroller Exercise Board — Parallax Forums

Building a Microcontroller Exercise Board

Oliver H. BaileyOliver H. Bailey Posts: 107
edited 2006-07-10 14:58 in Propeller 1
Hello Everyone,
I'm busy writing several books (one on the propeller) and I am building a microcontroller exercise system to use as a tes bench for development work being done with the PSoC. This allows real-time control simulation with the Propeller while still allowing In-Circuit Emulation using a PC. Since the propeller has both keyboard input and video output it is an ideal chip for this type of tool. It also allows changing siulation parameters without a PC and while the ICE is running, providing for a more "real-world" test environment.

The reason for this thread is to ask if anyone would like to follow along or participate building this project as it progresses. The end result will be a board that will offer a variety of exercise options. So if you have any requests for types of simulation to include please feel free to post them here. I'm leaving for vacation and return on the 10th of July. This may also be an excellent project for my upcoming propeller book.

And that's the other reason for this discussion thread. I have the outline completed and I've started on the manuscript. What would Parallax customers who are using the propeller like to see in the way of assembler and spin topics, and hands on projects. Again please post here if you would like to provide input. Check out my DCC discussion also if model railroading is also an interest.

And please feel welcome to send private email if you prefer.

Thanks Everyone,


  • SSteveSSteve Posts: 808
    edited 2006-07-03 15:30
    It seems to me that one of the most powerful features of the Propeller is the counters. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the Tutorial chapter of the Propeller manual isn't going to go in-depth on how to use them. Since the counters are central to audio and video, I'd love to see detailed coverage.

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  • Oliver H. BaileyOliver H. Bailey Posts: 107
    edited 2006-07-04 02:43
    Thanks, that's just the type of input I'm looking for. I have already planned on chpaters covering VGA, NTSC, Keyboard, Mouse, and Character creation and generation. A chapter on Audio would be great and I have no problem covering that topic. I also believe that audio can be instrumental in the microcontroller exerciser in cases where feedback is required and the person testing may not ba able to look up at a display.

    Anyone else have input? I would love to hear what you would like to see.

  • Kaos KiddKaos Kidd Posts: 614
    edited 2006-07-05 15:47
    One concept that might be a good value is a good and solid discussion on reducing pin counts for various things that might be used.
    This would need to include the latching, multiplexing, charlieplexing of pins to reduce pin counts, voltage level shifting and bit level shifting.
    In detail, this could become more of a reference then a single "how to"; there are may ways to do the same things, each with their own merrits.

    Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket

  • acantostegaacantostega Posts: 105
    edited 2006-07-06 05:21
    Since the Propeller is novel in the way it has multiple processors, some software patterns to use this capacity in an organized and efficient way would be interesting. Dealing with multiple cogs is certainly easier than time-slicing and scheduling multiple tasks with interrupts on traditional microcontrollers, but it is less familiar (and I'm sure it offers a lot of potential for creative use).
    Also anything with robots would be fun (at least for me).
  • Oliver H. BaileyOliver H. Bailey Posts: 107
    edited 2006-07-09 01:34
    Hi Guys,
    Some very good and interesting ideas. I think a robot controller is worth it's own thread. I agree in supporting diferrent pin configurations and reducing pin counts. I also think multiple voltages have to be supported since we could be looking at voltages from 3.3 to 12 volt processors. Any thoughts?

  • Kaos KiddKaos Kidd Posts: 614
    edited 2006-07-10 14:58
    If your book is from ground zero, centered on the propeller, then you have most of the major issues covered. Level (Voltage) shifters, Pin managment (reduced pin counts), Counters, Good discussion of multi-processing vs multi-threaded, video, keyboard, mouse, interfacing basics (ie pull up or pull down, res size etc), componet selection and bit math. Things that scare me are voltage levels and current limiting resistors. I'd be heart broken if I let the magic smoke out from one of my propellers.
    Making dedicated controlers could end up being it's own book! Controllers, be it for robotics (YES!), Planes (Way cool), Audio equipiment, DMX (Another thing I'm really wanting to dig into), all have the same general idea and hardware, it's the "How To" aspect of it all that the text should cover, and in a simplistic mannor.
    Any discussion of controllers needs to dive into control as well.

    Anyway, all said as "IMHO"; I look foward to read your text.

    Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket

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