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Help On password,stuck

ClineCline Posts: 36
edited 2006-07-01 14:19 in BASIC Stamp
Hey everyone,

I had an earlier post on memory/smaller program, Thanks for all the help. Here is the code i have written so far, I would like help on condensing it. I omitted the main routine,but i would like to change how i enter the password to enter the program. I have to type the pasword into the debug terminal, i would like to have it on the keypad and it show up on the lcd,· Iv tried all i know, just cant get it together,

thanks guys, after this i will get the memory and hopefully this project will start taking shape,,
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG"Micro Board System " , CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Declarations ]
tx················· PIN······· 0······ 'Transmit pin to LCD
Rx················· PIN······· 1······ 'Receive pin from LCD
Baud··············· CON······· 84····· 'Equals baud rate of 9.6k
Int················ CON······· 254···· 'place befor each instruction
Auto_Wrap_On······· CON······· 67·····
Auto_Wrap_Off······ CON······· 68·····
Auto_Scroll_On····· CON······· 81·····
Auto_Scroll_Off···· CON······· 82·····
Cursor_pos········· CON······· 71····· 'Needs Column and row
Cur_home··········· CON······· 72·····
Under_Line_On······ CON······· 74·····
Under_Line_Off····· CON······· 75·····
Blinking_On········ CON······· 83·····
Blinking_Off······· CON······· 84·····
Cursor_Left········ CON······· 76·····
Cursor_Right······· CON······· 77·····
Clear_screen······· CON······· 88·····
Contrast··········· CON······· 80····· 'Needs level $00 to $FF
Backlight_On······· CON······· 66····· 'SET $00 = on, minute max $FF
Backlight_Off······ CON······· 70····· ''See LCD manual for more detail
GP_pin_off········· CON······· 86····· 'NEEds $01 to $06 for pin #
GP_pin_on·········· CON······· 87····· 'NEEds $01 to $06 for pin #
'Key pad
Auto_repeat_on····· CON······· 126···· '$00 = resend $01 = key up/down
Auto_repeat_off···· CON······· 96·····
Auto_Trans_On······ CON······· 65····· 'Sends key press data immediately
Auto_Trans_Off····· CON······· 79····· 'STORE 10 key presses until polled
Clear_buffer······· CON······· 69····· 'See LCD manual for more detail
Poll_keypad········ CON······· 38····· 'Polls LCD for last key press
Debounce_time······ CON······· 85····· 'Set in 6.554ms units default 52mS
'Bar graphs
Wide_vert_bar······ CON······· 118···· 'Initialize wide vertical bar
Naro_vert_bar······ CON······· 115···· 'Initialize narrow vertical bar
Draw_vert_bar······ CON······· 61·····
Horz_bar··········· CON······· 104···· 'Initialize horizontal bar
Draw_horz_bar······ CON······· 124
Cusstom_char······· CON······· 78·····
Large_dig·········· CON······· 110
Place_lrg_dig······ CON······· 35····· 'Column $01/$12 digit $00/$09
'data directives
Password··········· DATA··· "33722"
'variable declarations
index······· VAR·· Nib
userentry··· VAR·· Byte(5)
·temp··············· VAR······· Byte··· 'Working variable
Key················ VAR······· Byte··· 'key storage variable
io_pin············· VAR······· Byte··· 'GP I/O variable
'initialization routine
GOSUB check_password
'main routine
DEBUG CR, "complete"
check password
· DEBUG CR,"Enter Password"
· DEBUGIN STR userentry \5
· FOR index=0 TO 4
· READ password + index, temp
· IF temp <> userentry(index) THEN EXIT
· IF index <> 5 THEN
· DEBUG CR, "password incorrect"
· LOOP UNTIL index=5
· DEBUG CR, "accessed"
·SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]······· 'Command Prefix
SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"· Mainframe Online "]
PAUSE 2000
·SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"····· A.W.O.T. "]
·SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]"·········· SYSTEMS· "]
·PAUSE 2000
· SEROUT 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"DESIGNED BY ",Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "Charles Cline", Int,Cursor_pos,1,4,"Starting Sub-Program"]
· '
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
PAUSE 4000····························· 'Waits for 250ms
Initialize:··························· 'label
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]····· 'Clears screen
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Auto_trans_off]··· 'Turns off buffer for key pad
'Sets up text on LCD
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Press 0-9 or A to",Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "POWER on all systems",
·············· Int,Cursor_pos,1,3,"B to turn them all",
·············· Int,Cursor_pos,1,4,"off.C to Exit,D=MP"]
[noparse][[/noparse] Main Routine ]
In_Put:······························· 'Label
GOSUB key_pad························· 'Jumps to key pad polling routine
· IF key = "#" THEN I_O_On············ 'coMPares key and jumps if true
· IF key = "*" THEN I_O_Off··········· 'coMPares key and jumps if true
GOTO In_Put··························· 'Jumps to listed label

[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
I_O_Off:······························ 'Label
'Sends text to LCD
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen,"I/O pin ",DEC io_pin,Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "Is now turned off. "]
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,GP_Pin_Off,io_pin] 'SetS I/O pin to off
PAUSE 2000···························· 'PAUse for 2000ms
GOTO Initialize······················· 'JUmps to listed label
I_O_On:······························· 'Label
'Sends text to LCD
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen,"I/O pin ",DEC io_pin,Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "Is now turned on. "]
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,GP_Pin_On,io_pin]· 'listed I/O pin to on
PAUSE 2000···························· 'Pause for 2000ms
GOTO Initialize······················· 'Jumps to listed label
key_pad:······························ 'Label
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Poll_keypad]······ 'Request last key press from LCD
SERIN Rx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]temp]·················· 'Store key press in temp
· IF temp = 0 THEN key_pad············ 'coMPares key and jumps if true
·· GOSUB Convert······················ 'JumP to listed label
· IF temp = "A" THEN All_On··········· 'coMPares key and jumps if true
· IF temp = "B" THEN All_Off·········· 'coMPares key and jumps if true
·IF temp = "C" THEN Exit_p
·IF temp = "D" THEN Main_P
·IF temp= "1" THEN One_p
·IF temp= "2" THEN Two_p
· IF temp= "3" THEN Three_p
IF temp= "4" THEN Four_p
· IF temp= "5" THEN Five_p
· IF temp= "6" THEN Six_p
· IF temp= "7" THEN Seven_p
· IF temp= "8" THEN Eight_p
· IF temp= "9" THEN Nine_p
· IF temp= "0" THEN zero_p
· IF temp > 54 OR temp < 49 THEN Error 'coMPares key and jumps if true
'Displays in ASCll
io_pin = temp - 48···················· 'Converts ASCll to decimal
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen,"Please press an * to",Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "turn off Pin ",DEC io_pin," or #",Int,Cursor_pos,1,3,
·············· "to turn it on."]
Wait_For_key:························· 'Label
'Displays character typed in ASCll
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Poll_keypad]······ 'Request last key press from LCD
SERIN Rx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]temp]·················· 'Store key press in temp
IF temp = 0 THEN Wait_For_key········· 'If no key Press jump to label
· GOSUB Convert······················· 'Jump to listed label
· key = temp·························· 'StorES temp in to key variable
RETURN································ 'Jump to next line UNDER last gosub
Convert:······························ 'Label
'Table to convert variable
LOOKDOWN· temp,[noparse][[/noparse]66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,76,77,78,79,81,82,83,84],temp
'Table to convert variable
LOOKUP··· temp,[noparse][[/noparse]"D","#","0","*","C","9","8","7","B","6","5","4","A","3",
·············· "2","1"],temp
RETURN································ 'Jump to next line UNDER last gosub
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]······························ 'Label
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"All on"]············· 'Displays text
FOR io_pin = 1 TO 6··················· 'CyCLEs io_pin variable fro 1 to 6
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,GP_Pin_On,io_pin] 'SETs listed I/O pin to on
NEXT·································· 'cycles until io_pin = 6
PAUSE 1000···························· 'Pauses for 1000 ms or 1 second
GOTO Initialize······················· 'Jumps to listed label
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]····························· 'Label·· INCOmPlETE
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"All Off"]············ 'Displays text
FOR io_pin = 1 TO 6··················· 'CYCles io_pin variable fro 1 to 6
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,GP_Pin_Off,io_pin]'Sets listed I/O pin to off
NEXT·································· 'cycles until io_pin = 6
PAUSE 1000···························· 'Pauses for 1000 ms or 1 second
GOTO Initialize······················· 'Jumps to listed label
Error:································ 'Label
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]···· 'Clears screen
'Displays text
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"······· ERROR··············· "]
·PAUSE 1000··························· 'Pauses for 1000 ms or 1 second
GOTO Initialize······················· 'Jumps to listed label
·· ' dont know where these go
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
··· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· ..WARNING..",Int,Cursor_pos,1,2,
·············· "*All SYSTEMS LOCKED*" ]
·············· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO check_password

·· Main_p:
··· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Main· Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
···· GOTO Initialize
··· One_p:
· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Camera· Program "]
·· PAUSE 1000
·· GOTO Initialize
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"I.R.Tracking Program "]
·· PAUSE 1000
· GOTO Initialize
·SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Thermal· Program "]
·· PAUSE 1000
·· GOTO Initialize
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Bluetooth Program "]
·· PAUSE 1000
·· GOTO Initialize
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Five· Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize
Six_p :
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Six· Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Seven· Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Eight Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize
Nine_p :
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Nine Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize
· zero_p :
SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Int,Clear_screen]
·· SEROUT Tx,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"··· Zero Program "]
·· PAUSE 500
·· GOTO Initialize

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