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RS232 Level Converter — Parallax Forums

RS232 Level Converter

sharpiesharpie Posts: 150
edited 2006-07-02 12:44 in Propeller 1
Is it possible to use one of these to program the propeller?

Or one of these?

Or should I just stick with the max232?· I would just like a quick easy, prebuilt solution without buying a whole dev board..


  • parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
    edited 2006-06-30 12:44
    nope, neither board has a connection for DTR that the propeller needs for it's reset.

  • Oliver H. BaileyOliver H. Bailey Posts: 107
    edited 2006-06-30 13:45
    Hi Sharpie,
    You would need a level shifter board with handhshake. I have a board coming out in about three weeks that will work. It's the same that I take the user through building in my book. Has full handshake under cpu control. I don't know why but it seems all the new boards lack hardware handshaking. The hardware handshake lines are great for I/O too. So if you can't wait, look for a level shifter board with DTR or hardware handshake enabled.

  • sharpiesharpie Posts: 150
    edited 2006-06-30 18:59
    Figured as much. Guess I'll have to wait until the parts I have on order get here =)
    If you are selling boards for this, I would probably buy one, or two.. I am all about saving time and headaches.
    Any chance you'll be selling one for prototyping between 5v serial devices? (without the db9, etc..) something that can be used between the propeller and say an emic speech board, or similar embedded device that operates on 5v?
    Thanks for the info.
  • Oliver H. BaileyOliver H. Bailey Posts: 107
    edited 2006-07-02 12:44
    I actually had not considered a 5 Volt board. Would'nt be too hard though. I'll let you know when the assembled boards arrive.

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