Extended Moisture/Temp Sensor
If I wanted to·detect moisture or temperature across a long surface, can a sensor be constructed that is connected to a long wire versus one point at the sensor?
This might run along a garment or rug. An exact measurement isn't needed, but a large change would be enough. What would be a good sensor to work with?
This might run along a garment or rug. An exact measurement isn't needed, but a large change would be enough. What would be a good sensor to work with?
- Stephen
It has a picture of what looks like an extended sensor: http://www.emesystems.com/OL2mhos.htm
I haven't seen anything commercially available either, so I'll heed your comment that it may need a special application($) to drive its availability to hobbyist in the future.
Tracy Allen
So, adding wires extending from the sides of the screws would mean that a drop of water contacting a part of the wire wouldn't affect the resistance in the air-gap between the 2 screws, since it wouldn't be completing the circuit.
Based on the schematic, it looks like you would use RCTIME on pin 10 to measure the charge rate of the capacitior, where the resistance value of the circuit will be inversely proportional to the conductivity of the fluid.
I don't know whether this will be helpful for experimentation or not, but here is a water alarm kit for $ 8.00 US:
Bruce Bates
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No sound when dry, then increasing rate of clicks when wet and wetter. Activation will take a continuous film of water bridging the gap, not just a few drops here and there.
Sure go ahead and experiment with lengthening the wires. Long wires tend to make good antennas for AC and noise pickup, so there will be some limit. Please be careful! Maybe too increase the protection resistor from p10 to the circuit from 100 ohms up to 1000 or 4700 ohms.
Tracy Allen