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Parallax USB Oscilloscope

M BushM Bush Posts: 13
edited 2006-06-29 13:37 in General Discussion
Just got the "Understanding Signals" kit and installed the USB Oscilloscope.· I must say that this is one cool accessory!

I was disappointed, however, in the apparent lack of support for the product.

1. the help file was not installed with the software
2. the README file was incorrect in stating that the help system was on the CD ROM, since it wasn't (or I couldn't find it)
3. the on-line help button went to a broken link and didn't work (,
4. I could not find the help file in the Downloads section of the Parallax web site (it wasn't in the Applications or the Accessories page anyway)
5. I finally searched and hit the page for Stock #28014 and at the bottom, there was a link to "Oscilloscopes Software and Installation Instructions Page."· Here is where I FINALLY found the missing help file.
6. When I installed the help system, it was for a previous version of the software and omitted several items (Autoscale and reference channel explanations).

To be fair, Parallax states on that same page that there is a new 4.1 version in the works which will include the help system.· I just hope that the help system will be updated!· Also, reading through the "Understanding Signals" text should help a lot.·



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