Question about IDE and Spin formatting

I've finally started writing some of my own Spin code rather than just trying the samples and demos. I find that the Spin compile behaves strangely if you don't have at least 2 blank lines between sections (VAR CON DAT PRI PUB etc). I'm not sure what's it's doing, but it seems to compile and transfer stuff to RAM and EEPROM and verify it, but things don't work. What I had done was cut and paste bits and pieces from several demos into one source file (referencing tv_text and, indirectly, tv). Not knowing better, I just left a single blank line between functions (PRI PUB). All of a sudden, what worked as a demo didn't work (meaningless behavior) when I appended some additional source that I didn't even reference. If this is the way the IDE is supposed to behave, I'd like to put in a request for some kind of error checking and a warning message.
Can you post the code that is giving you these results?
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
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I'm not sure which version of the files is which. I'll try to nail it down. As I think about it, I was moving back and forth between a Mac editor and the Propellor Tool running under Virtual PC. Maybe the line endings had to do with it (CR,LF vs CR).
In your Mac under a terminal window, you should be able to use a file called unix2dos or mac2dos etc. (transversely you can also use dos2unix or dos2mac going the other way.)
From the PC end, you might need to cut and paste everything into a "generic" editor such as windows Notepad ( I would not use Word in this case ) to "clean up" the issue you
might be having with CR,LF vs CR
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
After a bit of playing around, it looks like this indeed has nothing to do with the formatting. Somehow, with a variety of programs, the IDE appears to successfully compile the program and downloads the binary either to RAM or to both RAM and EEPROM, seems to be happy with the verification cycle, yet the downloaded program just doesn't do anything expected. Sometimes repeatedly downloading the program will work. I'm concerned that the verification process doesn't catch this.
I'm using the Demo Board mounted on a BOE-BOT chassis and the USB-serial port connected to a Mac PowerBook running Windows XP Personal Edition using Virtual PC under MacOS 10.4.7 (the latest). Power is either the BOE-BOT's battery pack or an external 6V 1.5A switching wall-wart. There are 3 servos attached to the 6V line, but only one is currently activated. They're all powered, but without servo pulse input.
I'm still trying to isolate some simple change that takes the program from working to broken. It may be a problem on the Mac or Virtual PC end, but I'm still concerned that there's no error message. The data in the EEPROM must be bad because resetting the Propellor doesn't help.