My lawn mower project
I need your help with my lawn mower project.
I want to built a lawn mower robot inspired of the robocut, using underground fence system.
The robot will work similar to the robocut, but I will experiment with different sensor functions.
The most important in my project is the safety, I will make experiment with Thermal Array Sensor and PIR and other sensors that can detect humans around the robot and make a full stop until no humans are around. I will also experiment with sensing where the grass is cut or not cut.
The lawn mower must work by the lowest power use as possible.
Before I start up the project I want to buy the right components from the begining, thats where I need your experience.
Can you recommend me some good products for the following:
BS2? what version?· (I will connect up to 10 pcs sensors.)
Drive Motor
I need two drive motors, I imagine a motor speed controllable between 30 rpm and 60 rpm by use of 10 cm diameter wheels.
The motors should be able to carry a robot weight of max 15 kg.
Motor driver
Maybe the HB-25
Cutter motor
Any idear of what approx. speed this motor should run.
For the blade I will use the Zucchetti Ambrogio Replacement Cutting Blade
Hope you will share your experience to quick start my project and hope this can start a good discussion about lawn mower robots.
I want to built a lawn mower robot inspired of the robocut, using underground fence system.
The robot will work similar to the robocut, but I will experiment with different sensor functions.
The most important in my project is the safety, I will make experiment with Thermal Array Sensor and PIR and other sensors that can detect humans around the robot and make a full stop until no humans are around. I will also experiment with sensing where the grass is cut or not cut.
The lawn mower must work by the lowest power use as possible.
Before I start up the project I want to buy the right components from the begining, thats where I need your experience.
Can you recommend me some good products for the following:
BS2? what version?· (I will connect up to 10 pcs sensors.)
Drive Motor
I need two drive motors, I imagine a motor speed controllable between 30 rpm and 60 rpm by use of 10 cm diameter wheels.
The motors should be able to carry a robot weight of max 15 kg.
Motor driver
Maybe the HB-25
Cutter motor
Any idear of what approx. speed this motor should run.
For the blade I will use the Zucchetti Ambrogio Replacement Cutting Blade
Hope you will share your experience to quick start my project and hope this can start a good discussion about lawn mower robots.
I hoped that all you experienced people could help me to start this project by recommending me some products.
Anyway thanks for the one reply :-)
I use a RoboCut on my lawn, so I can help you with some answers. Robot lawnmowers are among the most entertaining and useful robots you could make. There's no shortage of programming opportunities. You could make it locate the charging station, run only at night, use GPS, etc etc. I'm personally more interested in over-the-snow robots, but if that wasn't a new interest I'd probably also be making a lawnmower.
I'd suggest you start with the BS2. Since the HB-25 is a "set it and forget it" H-bridge you should have plenty of bandwidth left over for your sensors. I think the HB-25 is the right choice for motor control, too. It'll handle larger motors than you'll use in your design (up to 25 A). If I made a RoboCut today I'd use the HB-25.
The cutters are simply Stanley break-away knife blades. They're bolted to a rotating disc and they cut really well. I think Hans Forsberg·chose them due to their light weight,·thin profile and razor-sharp cutting ability.
Hope this helps get you started.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Well well, I'm seeing things, three of them.
-Stanley Blystone
A mower of my dreams uses a laser to cut the grass.
- A vaccum generates an upward suction that holds the long grass up for cutting (it also picks up the debris and deposits it in a grass catcher).
- A powerful laser beam (you may need multiple beams) exists at the bottom of the vaccum nozzle for cutting.
A gas mower pollutes and is expensive to maintain! With a laser you do not need to worry about blades wearing out, expensive parts, destruction of the environment
Well well, I'm seeing things, three of them.
-Stanley Blystone
I will use the BS2 and the HB-25 based on your reccomendations.
Thanks bennettdan·for your kind offer, I am very interested to see that and I am sure that it is of general interest here.
My first approch will be to experiment with the use of two metal detectors and a metal wire burried as the burried wire system, I want to keep it as simple as possible, and if it works it will be very easy to exclude areas like flowers, just put a wire below the ground ( no need to connect to anything)
As the platform for the robot I am thinking of using the below mower:
Electric Flexible Steerable Lawnmower 38 E easyMove
I will install drive 2 motors and completely modifi the cutter and cutter motor.
I am having trouples with choosing the motors:
How powerfull should the drive and cutter motors be? how many rpm should the cutter motor be?
Does anyone have some idears?
Yes in Denmark we have very fine grass so it is easy to cut.
I like the idear with the laser but when will that be possible and what are the dangers?
If I was going to build a electric lawn mower I would not convert that one because it will take alot of batteries to keep it going and you would have to convert it to a DC cutting motor and modifiy the steering. I would be just as eay to modify a used pushmower and make it skid steer with the two drive motors..
The metal detectors and quite pricy also the curcuit I have uses a coil of wire wrapped around a plastic thread bob. You can build it for just a few dollars. I draw it up for you tonight and send it to you.
Here is the curcuit I found I alo attached the datasheet for the NE567. I have not built this curcuit so good luck.
Is this a digital output?· Can be it connected to a stamp input?· This looks like a cool circuit.· What do you use as a signal in the wire?
This is very interesting!
For the L1 in the curcuit use a plastic bobbin then wrap 26 guauge unisulated magnetic wire about 250 turns.
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 7/12/2006 1:24:36 PM GMT
I am doing the same thing and am looking at the burier wire fence issue as well on another sandbox discussion. I am trying to choose between a RF in the wire of just hall effect sensors. what was your final choice and is the mower working yet ?
I dont think you will have any luck with the hall effect sensors they usually have to be within an inch of the magnet it is sensing if not closer.
Do you recommend any freq for the freq generator that must be used to feed the wire?
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 7/21/2006 6:13:41 PM GMT
Automatically cuts lawn with push of a button
Also has manual mode
Cutting system features 3 battery-powered 150 Watt electric motors with 3 blades
Delivers a 21in. cutting width
Equivalent to a 5.5 HP gas mower
5800 RPM blade speed (twice the speed of a gas mower)
6 mowing height adjustments at front, 2 adjustments at rear
Cuts lawn in criss-cross pattern to eliminate lawn stripes
Triple chamber mulching system eliminates bagging of clippings
Safe, quiet and environmentally friendly
Uses perimeter wire system to define mowing area (requires simple one-time setup)
Sensitive bumpers redirect mower away from trees, rocks and any obstacles
Lift Sensor stops blades immediately when mower is lifted
Child Guard prevents children from operating mower
Perimiter switch prevents operation of mower if switch is off
3 hours average work time
Suitable for lawns up to 10,800 sq. ft.
Cuts approx. 5400 sq. ft. per charge
Plug into included charger after mowing
Knobby wheels work on high grass, slopes and bumps
LCD display panel and audio user interface with intuitive and easy to use menus
Includes 24V battery pack
Approx. 20 hours charging time
Durable polyethylene shell
Mower is 35in.L x 26in.W x 12 1/2in.H
Model RL-850
2-year limited warranty
About 20 years ago I built a chassis for a robotic mower.· I used two automotobile wiper motors geared down 4 to 1 with #25 chain to 8 inch wheels.· It moved at about 3 mph and used differential steering.
For the sensor, I used 12 IR emitter and detector pairs·that were mounted like tynes on a rake.···If a blade of grass broke the beam, the signal was sent to one of 12 ·555 timers that would extend the pulse.·· Don't laugh now, but Basic Stamps weren't around then.· The signals went to an EEPROM, and then to the motor controllers.· No MCU.
If it saw 000001111111 it would go·right until is saw 000111111111.
The idea was just like the way·a human mows grass.· You look for the part you've already cut and overlap the cut area by about 25%.· ·It worked surprisingly well in my small yard in Los·Angeles.· I had a sidewalk that went·around the circumference of·the yard, so I didn't have to cut the first swath manually.
My plan was to use 3 automobile cooling fan motors to actually·cut grass.·
I never finished it.· I had several hundred bucks into it and saw that it was going to take several hundred more.· One Saturday morning·(in Los Angeles)·when I was working on it, the gardeners showed up in their white van.· Six guys jumped out and started mowing, trimming, edging, blowing, pulling weeds and whatever else they did for forty bucks a month.· Yep, $40 a month.· I just couldn't justify the expense and the work.
"When in doubt, use C4" - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster