standard motor run by the MicroController?
Posts: 359
i have a standard motor such as one used for rc cars and air planes. 1.5 volts, can it be run by the micro controller? i tried but it wont move it and i assured it worked by using a AAA battery on it. i was using the HIGH command with one side hooked to the VSS and one hooked to a 470 ohm resistor then to the p15..
p15->~470->wire to motor- wire to motor <-VSS
p15->~470->wire to motor- wire to motor <-VSS
You can buy IR511 mosfets from radioshack be sure to get a heatsink and follow the curcuit Beau gave as an attachment then use the PWM command to get it to very speed or send a high on low off to the pin you are using
pwm 15,255,255
and its not doing anything.... so im a little confused?
FOR I = 1 TO 10
HIGH 15 : PAUSE 1000 : LOW 15 : PAUSE 1000
Usually the problem with the PWM statement is that it's based on very short pulses that average out to the voltage you want. They may be too short for the motor to respond properly. You may have to use a PULSOUT statement in a loop instead, varying the width of the high pulse and repeating the PULSOUT roughly 50-100 times a second. Alternatively, you could put a capacitor across the motor leads and a small resistor in series (between the IRF511 and the motor/capacitor) to act as a filter. 20-50uF would probably work with a 10-22 ohm resistor. I'd try the PULSOUT loop first.
Also to get you started with your IR receiver this PDF might help.