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Inkjet Printer Kit - please answer — Parallax Forums

Inkjet Printer Kit - please answer

ygleeyglee Posts: 2
edited 2006-06-22 16:12 in General Discussion
From the book "Inkjet Applications" written by you, I have some questions.
So I'm sending you e-mail and please kindly answer my questions.

In order to apply inkjet technology to our application, we purchased the Serial Inkkjet Printer Board Kit for education from Parallax Co. and under test it.

In using it, my questions are mentioned as follows.

--> When we purchased the Kit for education, BS Board was not included.

Q1)Is it possible to do inkjet printing(like charecter, line, etc.) through USB Interface? (Without BS Board)
Q2)If possible, would you let me know how to approach?

Appreciate your kind answer in advance and it'd be quite helpful to our test project.
Looking forward to hearing your reply.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,403
    edited 2006-06-21 03:45
    Dear Yglee:

    You are correct - a BASIC Stamp board is not included in the Serial Inkjet Printer Kit. The description doesn't say a BASIC Stamp board is included.

    Q1) Yes. You can use Hyperterminal to test out this interface. Try sending the same printing commands from Hyperterminal that are sent by a BASIC Stamp. The serial interface is defined pretty clearly in the documentation. Let us know if you need more help.

    Q2) Install the FTDI drivers; plug the board into your USB port. Open Hyperterminal. Send some commands. You will probably need more input on the command aspect - just let us know.


    Ken Gracey
  • ygleeyglee Posts: 2
    edited 2006-06-21 06:24
    Thank you. Ken Gracey Sir

    I install the FTDI drivers.

    interface Setting : 9600bps, 8bit, no Parity, true

    i sucess connecting; but i want checking display (ex.light Nozzle's LED on board)

    i need terminal commands

    ex) <esc> <D> <enter>

    please answer sir

  • Ryan ClarkeRyan Clarke Posts: 738
    edited 2006-06-21 19:04
    In this document:

    page 7 gives a breakdown of the commands- all instructions are prefaced with an ESC (ASCII 027)-

    STX and ETX are the start and end markers for a message/text-

    The above referenced should help you.


    Ryan Clarke
    Parallax Tech Support
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2006-06-22 16:12
    Be very careful. DO NOT CONNECT the INK JET PRINTER HEAD when checking with the LEDs.

    The LEDs require much slower timing to be visible -- too much current for the printer head. If the INK JET PRINTER HEAD is connected, it will suffer damage. Since it is replacible, it is not serious -- just wasteful.

    I don't think it is possible to damage the controller board when using the installed software.

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