BOE without a tail?
I have a small project running on a BOE.· Must be an older BOE as it doesn't have the power switch on it or the servo connectors.
It works fine as long as the serial cable from the computer is plugged in.· If I try to operate without the serial cable plugged in, it goes all wacky on me.
Will the BOE operate without being tethered to the computer?
It works fine as long as the serial cable from the computer is plugged in.· If I try to operate without the serial cable plugged in, it goes all wacky on me.
Will the BOE operate without being tethered to the computer?
What does "all wacky" translate into?
HIGH RC ' charge the cap
PAUSE 10 ' for 10 ms
RCTIME RC, 1, result ' measure RC discharge time
IF result<460 THEN GOSUB button_press
when the serial cable is connected this works fine. But when I disconnect the cable, my button reading routine continuously returns a value less than 460 but higher than 430. Which kicks it into the subroutine for button #8. I suppose I may be able to fine tune the numbers I am using to interpret the switch press, but I am unsure why its happening at all. When I tested my switch values, the lowest number I got when no button was pressed was 518.
Without any more information than you've provided so far, I'll take a stab in the dark and suggest looking for a loose or missing ground wire. It may be that the ground is being picked up when the serial cable is available, and when it's not connected, the circuit is incomplete. Thus, you may be seeing the readings of a "floating" circuit.
A sketch or schematic of how you have the pushbuttons and resistors set up would probably be quite helpful in troubleshooting this problem. Also, make sure the variable "result" is defined as a WORD, since its value can exceed 255, the maximum value for a BYTE variable.
Bruce Bates
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Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support