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Displaying Special Characters with PAndersons LCD Serial Adapter — Parallax Forums

Displaying Special Characters with PAndersons LCD Serial Adapter

GuidoGuido Posts: 195
edited 2006-06-21 11:09 in BASIC Stamp
I am having trouble getting PAndersons LCD Serial Adapter to display special Characters on the LCD.
Using the Character Generator I have come with this:

D1·· DATA $0C,$02,$03,$03,$03,$03,$02,$0C

What I seem to get from Andersons directions is to Display this would be to change the·above character to the following

D1·· DATA "D10c0203030303020c"

Then using the program calling the special Character:
SEROUT LCD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"?1"]

If anyone can understand what I am trying to do, I would appreciate some help
Thank You



  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2006-06-19 21:41
    Thank You, Just figured it out.....
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-06-20 15:56

    ·· Can you post your fix/solution for others who may experience this issue in the future?

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • GuidoGuido Posts: 195
    edited 2006-06-21 11:09
    The fix was simple. There was nothing wrong with the code, I just needed to put a time delay so as to write the Character to the LCD Eprom.
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