Parallax Servo Controller #28823 Rev B question about deactivating motors not i
I am using the PSC Rev B to control 12 servo motors with a BS2P off pin #14. The code activates all the motors well in a controlled sequence.
PROBLEM: I am using a battery and voltage conditioning and have plenty of power to the servos, though I notice that irregardless of sending code to the motors or not that that when the servo controller has power and code is being sent to just one or two motors, that while the remainder of the servos are not being instructed to move, they are pulling power and holding a position of 750.
Can anyone suggest a method to deactivate power to motors (with the PSC) that I am not writing to or trying to move, so I can conserve battery power?
PROBLEM: I am using a battery and voltage conditioning and have plenty of power to the servos, though I notice that irregardless of sending code to the motors or not that that when the servo controller has power and code is being sent to just one or two motors, that while the remainder of the servos are not being instructed to move, they are pulling power and holding a position of 750.
Can anyone suggest a method to deactivate power to motors (with the PSC) that I am not writing to or trying to move, so I can conserve battery power?
If you're just using a servo as a 'modified servo' for a wheel, then I don't know how you tell
the PSC to 'quit refreshing servo 1', for instance.
If I instruct only servo 3-6 to move for example then why do the remainder of the motors hold at center position 750 without getting code or being addressed with the PSC. It is true that if I try and move them they try and move back to center position 750.
The servos are still drawing current while plugged in, irregardless of not having recieved any code at all and my original question stands: Can anyone suggest a method to deactivate power to motors (with the PSC) that I am not writing to or trying to move, so I can conserve battery power?
If you remove power to those (ostensibly) unused servos they will no longer maintain their positive center position. Is that acceptable, or do you want them to stay in "neutral" (centered). If the latter is what you want, then the answer to your question is no, as they must consume power to maintain that positive center position.
Bruce Bates
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Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 6/19/2006 9:42:38 AM GMT
Certainly this would work though I am looking for a software solution. Adding all those deactivating transistors would add too much hardware and code.
I do not want them to maintain any position if they have not yet been addressed in the software. I am wanting them to just sit dead until they are addressed in the software though the PSC Rev B seems to constantly refresh a center position on the motors irregardless of being addressed to do so.
There are times for example in this project, where I do not want to use motors at all, though having the PSC plugged in with power and no code coming from my BS2P, still consumes quite a bit of current when you add the 12 motors up.
One question is whether you can divide up the servos into groups and switch power to the groups rather than individually. That might save on hardware.
Isn't there an 'idle' command, to tell the PSC not to refresh a particular servo?
It would be fantastic if there were an idle command in the PSC to allow one to not have all the servos automatically refreshed constantly when they are not being used. This would be optimal for a battery operated system where conserving power is critical.
Perhaps this is a firmware update of some sort? It appears that even when the stamp is in sleep mode that the PSC always asserts a center postion on all the motors irregardless of being coded to do so or not.
However, you CAN hook 12 servo motor control signals off a BS2 -- you have 16 I/O pins, and you need to refresh the servo's every 20 to 50 mSec (or NOT refresh the servo, to get a low-power idle state) so you could do it that way.
Another option is to use a couple of Darlington chips, and control the servo's supply lines, as other have suggested.· I would hope having the PSC send control signals to a de-powered servo wouldn't damage anything.