Speed control
I have an RC car which works with 12V motor and it does not have speed control. I want to modify it to have speed control. Is there any way to control the 12V voltage with PWM. Or any other way for speed control with BS2?
I have an RC car which works with 12V motor and it does not have speed control. I want to modify it to have speed control. Is there any way to control the 12V voltage with PWM. Or any other way for speed control with BS2?
The one is to make a 555 circuit to mesure the output voltage of the transmitter and
the other is to use a ADC... who I have something in mind but don't remember it right now..
The Difference is that using 555 you get pulses as output...
Using a ADC probably you get some string of DATA as output...
I don't know if you can use a RC circuit and then just mesure time with the Stamp...
I'll be nice if you could ba more specific on your goal...
Provas, Greece
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--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
Post Edited (bennettdan) : 6/14/2006 11:50:14 PM GMT