TV_WTEXT: TV_TEXT with windowed regions (sort of)

Attached is an archive containing tv_wtext.spin, which is based on Chip's tv_text.spin, but with independently-controllable rectangular regions. This object implements a "flat windows" display model. This means that there is no notion of one window being above another, "hiding" its contents. In tv_wtext, windows that overlap will clobber each other. But still, it might be a handy tool for controlling a text display.
The included demo program shows pretty much everything it can do.
The included demo program shows pretty much everything it can do.
That's pretty useful! I've thought about the need for a windowed text system, and you've just made one. It looks really good. And your demo is even choreographed. The way you presented the first and last text, with fade in and fade out, made me wonder for a second what I was looking at (a Propeller, really?). Super!
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
" It's nice to be important, but
·· more important to be nice... "
A completely layered windowing approach would certainly be more useful. I can envision an object with a CreateWindow method, wherein the caller provides the address of an array large enough to contain the new window's text. From there, it's a matter of determining what gets copied to the display buffer as windows pop up, move, etc. The tricky part is doing it in such a way that performance isn't adversely affected. One limitation would simplify things enormously: allow changes to only those windows that're either on top or not displayed at all. That way, either all changes to a window are copied to the display buffer, or none of them is.
I'm afraid a static picture would do little to convey the object's capabilities. The output looks just like that of Chip's tv_text object. The difference is in the dynamics of changing screen content.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Edit: Conceivably one could extend the object so that you could specify that a window could be made "transparent" to expose a graphics bitmap underneath. Then you could have an RPG with lots of text windows and occaisional graphics in windows.
Post Edited (Dennis Ferron) : 2/5/2007 5:25:43 AM GMT