no contact?
I`m trying to connect my BS2 to my computer through com1 port.
Computer is constant saying "check power supply" and "no repsons from unit"
There is power and the programming cable is connected, I´ve tried to restart, reset the BS and nothing helps!
How can this be?
I`m trying to connect my BS2 to my computer through com1 port.
Computer is constant saying "check power supply" and "no repsons from unit"
There is power and the programming cable is connected, I´ve tried to restart, reset the BS and nothing helps!
How can this be?
Are you using a straight-through cable, with all pins wired to their counterparts on the opposite end?
Are you using a battery or a power supply to power the Stamp?
Which Stamp carrier board are you using?
Which operating system are you using, and which version of the PBASIC Stamp Editor?
Bruce Bates
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I power the stamp with a voltageregulator which gives 9volts, I´ve measured it and it`s correct.
The stamp board is called "24pin modules"
I`m working with XP and used·the version·Basic stamp editor·2.2.5
I dont get this!? Can I have braked the stamp?
When I asked what Stamp CARRIER BOARD you are using, I'm speaking of the PCB into which the Stamp module has been inserted.
Where have you connected the 9 volt supply?
Bruce Bates
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I had a closer look at the carrierboard and when I looked at the stamp unit, it hade two small antennas, I didn`t recognize them and after a while I understood that it might not be antennas but the Stamp connections pins...
It was all my fault, I didn`t mount it right so two legs where bent and missed powersupply, I reconnected them and it all worked!
Thank you for your assistance Bruce!
Best regards