beacon and an accompanying sensor?
What are my options when it comes to beacons and their accompanying sensors?
Pretty much, I would like to create a robot that follows a beacon, preferably one that is non audible and invisible. At most, the beacon would be 10' from its sensor.
Pretty much, I would like to create a robot that follows a beacon, preferably one that is non audible and invisible. At most, the beacon would be 10' from its sensor.
By your stated restrictions, you have all but pre-defined the beacon methodology to be either infrared ("invisible" light) or ultrasonic (sound outside the human range of hearing). Of the two, infrared will probably be the least expensive to impliment. RF is also possible, but difficult to implement if directionality is important.
I would suggest a reasonably narrow, modulated infrared (I/R) beam, with a modulation frequency higher than 36-38 KHz. Infrared transmitters and receivers in the 40 KHz range should be relatively easy to find. This way you stay away from television and entertainment I/R remote controls which usually operate at those lower frequencies.
Bruce Bates
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