EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod???
·how can i communicate full duplex wirelessly using EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod to another 2 or more·EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod??
please help me on this and if there any other alternative?
please help me on this and if there any other alternative?
The Embeddedblue is only capable of communicating with ONE other BT-based unit at a time.
If you want to communicate with more devices you'll have to do something like this:
(Pseudocode, don't type it in)
GOSUB Connect_blue1
GOSUB transmit_Blue1
GOSUB Disconnect_blue1
GOSUB Connect_blue2
GOSUB transmit_Blue2
GOSUB Disconnect_blue2
GOSUB Connect_blue3
GOSUB transmit_Blue3
GOSUB Disconnect_blue3
How to connect and disconnect IS described quite clearly in the manual.
Also, which processor are you using?
(The BS2 line can't do full-duplex)
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it will take a lot of time to connect and disconnect each device.
i need fast transfer from one device to another.
They won't do higher than 19.200, but as you don't specify how high speeds you need...
Edit: Probably not, as these won't be able to do Full-duplex, only half-duplex.
Don't visit my new website...
i might try using that one.